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Such pain ,sorrow and tears. Underlined text link paragraphs. Not all beginning love. Stories have long lasting happy endings.
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Legally! For luxury and the finer things. In life and their closets ,too! Unstoppable! Yes I do boss ladies! Team players
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Safely! Secretly! Quickly! Webcam and phone sex employment opportunities! By Internet is our. Red book diary secret way once
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bedrooms. Bank books teacher. No upfront fee talent agent and online husband ,too! While in respected Ceres ,California U.S.A.
When I picked up the scent. Away I went to 3 circles. Mate with the first and only ones ,forever! Respected Mothers of our.
Like nature magic! Baby steps game plan creation. Making their beds shake. Without hesitation like a mild. Earthquake for
lucky humble me! Roy Fennell-04/20/2020-6:57a.m. As future red book diary female authors! Take a naked look for us! Top to
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For their long-term. Financial happiness and security futures. Within our money for us safe. Behind closed and locked castle.
Doors relationship online marriage. With unseen last names ,24/7! Of their own selected! Kind of meet man mate. Round our
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Roy Fennell's online married. Female players secret wives.
Uncaged! 3 circle bucked with powerful rhythm! Legal get paid in multiple new ways. Goddesses of seduction good. Bad, nasty
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On purpose online married. To their own upfront ,first! Showed them all the money! Gold coins ,vials and loose diamond stones
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Live in the respected U.S.A. like me? Legally! The more online naked earned money! Has great potential to increase. The potential
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Loads of bed soaked sheets!
As female players and Masters! Of the look do not touch! Tease to please seduction game itself! To satisfy their desired.
Never ending spending and shopping fire! Addiction habits sooner or later. Untouchable! Online married daddy's gurls. Round
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Untamable! Born to be and stay ,daily! Wild and free date! Anyone unless to be! Legally! Sexually! Respectfully! Complete
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For women round our world! Who live and love to use! Their favorite clubs dance floors. Like their stage to booty! Shake and
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To face hot drop. Of their steamy like liquid gold. Thick-n-creamy nature born. Sweet treat pleasure muffin honey. To nobody
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Based on times ,dates and years! Unstoppable! Of our own mutual. By Internet karma fate. Destiny for us to secret gardens
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Real life not fate. Diva women daddy's gurls! With unseen last names ,24/7! Roy Fennell-04/24/2020-6:46a.m. Without jealously
from me! Secretly! On the dating page. Shamelessly! Wet dreams coming true! Hotly! If ever desired sugar baby! Daddy and momma
Respectfully,today,I read the resume,of a single woman,with 4 kids and 2 bachelor degrees,yet cannot find a job! Fact,college
is about preparing a person(s) for employment,not,actually,legally,by contract written,guarrantee,of employment,once walking
out the"graduated from college",door! Do I actually care,what happens to her and children,too? I do! 11/29/2012***4:54p.m.
Details of gold,diamonds and online marriage! See Woman-3 page! Roy Fennell-12/31/2015-9:48p.m.
Camming and phone sexing naked! American&Overseas online married! Diva women daddy's gurls. Can get paid naked twice!
When using their favorite. OMG just right wall-to-wall tight! Adult pleasure manhood toys of joy benefits. To teach, train,
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Naturally! No pills required delivery!
While on an adult dating or jobs. Website online married to their own kind. Of King Kong OMG size meet man. Adult pleasure
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books. Like a gigantic financial erection! The way super horny women! Love and dream about it! Solid as a rock never limp!
Unexpectedly! Going down making them angry ,cry or frown!
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth! Sooner or later in life. Respected little girl. Princesses round our world. Come of age
as adult women. Some seeking prince charming. Mr./Ms. Right to become under the same. Physical roof a family of 3!
Meowww! AS IS seen within the naked! Reflections of your own full-length mirrors ,daily! From heads-to-toes painted or not!
Banging hot bodies or not! Being the whole wedding cake! Complete package discover. Wide-eyed see on the Woman-2 page. 10
opportunities benefits. Of financial ecstasy. For it be not a lie. Or fantasy the outside. Is only a shadow. Of the complete
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American&Overseas online married! Daddy's gurls having only one life. To live above ground. Working to live happy ,daily!
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Of our own mutual by Internet! Karma fate destiny to secret gardens mate! Our red book diary secret way! Like no other respected
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us! Online married daddy's gurls. Secret wives of Roy Fennell.
Unstoppable! Together here we be round our world! |

Within each of your castles! Within my castle in respected Ceres ,California U.S.A. ,too! |
Unseen naked or not! Banging bodies or not! Equal like legal wives,Queens and Goddesses of seduction! Absolutely,red
carpet treatment without walking out of homes,apartments or college dorms doors worldwide! World-class opportunity for women
of motions and actions! Who seriously want,need and desire more! Out of their priceless lives than an unknown future
based on hope,alone! For it is a fact money talks! And actions speak louder than words! Roy Fennell-01/14/2016-3:04p.m.
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth! Many women round our world. Work on respected everyday jobs. For whatever reasons beyond?
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Round our world based on facts! With millions of websites online. Naked! Only for us! Type into google search. Online married
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Together as one to become. The growling loud! Howling proud parents of our. On purpose baby steps game. Plan creation without
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Of the red book love page for us. International daddy and step daddy ,too! Lucky proud and humble me! Delivery with King Kong!
OMG size love and respect ,first! Roy Fennell-04/11/2020-8:04a.m. Without any force or pressure! Lustfully! Based on their
own! Free will sexual desires for deeper! Than G-spot pops meet! Before it kissed either of their opened first ,lips! My naked
back was wedged! Between 2 corner bedroom walls! They promised to never tell on us! Shamelessly! Free willing 3 circles! Whole
wedding cake being the complete. Package becoming the first&only ones ,forever! Respected Mothers of our baby steps game
plan creation. Within their own castle bedrooms like nature magic! Exciting secret safe and naked new lives!
Within your own castles! Loved and respected with treatment! Like my legal wives. It be not an illusion. Mirage or minds and
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Of the desired direction. Of your lives and futures! Be it 10 ,100 or 1000 women. From the beginning will seek. Rising up
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Including having rich and wealthy. Diva women futures from online. Naked purchases of gold coins. Vials and loose diamond
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With a ton of rising higher female pride. Banging hot bodies or not! No matter their nature born breasts sizes. Respected
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For a long-term for years.Joyful&happy hearts happiness.Virgin cherry popped twice.New beginnings&man in thy
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Unattached! Yes I do hot and dripping ready! Not committed within any relationships. Material girls round our world. With
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Roy Fennell-04/06/2020-7:55p.m.
Shamelessly! Secretly! With locked wide-open! Naked thighs take a look for us. Top to the bottom. Of the Shopping-20 page
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Which has not a human face. Do I mean it? Absolutely&truly I do ,first! Roy Fennell-04/05/2020-9:56a.m. Discover and wide-eyed
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Live in the respected U.S.A. Like humble me? Real life not fake opportunity! To reward and treat yourselves! Like modern day
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Naked online purchasing gold coins. Vials and loose diamond stones. To stock pile within their own bank. Insured safety deposit
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International equal free will! Opportunity without favoritism possible. Near the bottom. Of the TGL-Models page. Identified
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Not an illusion ,mirage or fantasy.Nor another minds and hearts. Game or false promises of lies! The legal $1,000,000.00 financial.
Game plan located between Woman-1 and Woman-4 pages. Show cases or introduces. The great big money potential financial joy!Bank
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Treatment like my legal wives. Due to the facts! Love ain't sex and sex ain't love. They are different as daytime. Is to the
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of websites online. Type into google search. Roy Fennell's secret wives. First and only ones forever.
It be not! An illusion ,mirage ,fantasy or lie! By her own respected birth! A nature born female human being woman. Is already
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a diamond in the night sky. Roy Fennell-04/06/2020-8:21p.m. It is a dollars and cents fact! Camming and phone sexing creates.
A 2nd and 3rd income. Sources which backs up! Her respected everyday job paycheck! Bank book reality of having benefits. Of
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On the TGL-Models page! My soon to be. Yes I do boss ladies. Ready to become team players. Online married naughty girls and
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Globally&daily horny for the money women&material girls,combined! Who are addicted to sex&money seeking the
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,why? Of minds and hearts just like lucky humble me. Action speaks louder than words and money talks! Their online husband&daddy
,too! Roy Fennell-04/14/2020-6:43a.m.
Going in the direction of rich/wealthy diva women |

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Not an illusion or mirage. American&Overseas got online
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Untouchable! Camming&phone sexing world-class assets!
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Without saying a single word only doing it for us.
With rising higher female pride. Business women of
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Without any physical sex contact possible. To collect
plastic money from their own secret admirers. Unlike
past/future boyfriends/girlfriends secret lover or not.
Roy Fennell-07/07/2018-6:34p.m. Their own adult pleasure
castle bedrooms bank books teacher. Queen's served his
own amazing female. Sexual genies delivery with wide-eyed!
OMG King Kong size love-n-respect, first! On purpose to
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Unlike any other women round our world on Planet Earth.
Unstoppable! Be the dollars¢s.Financial bank books power! Of unattached
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Howling&prowling the Internet.Seeking their own kind of sexual safe.Animalistic male mate like 2 sides of coin.Who
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Internet karma/fate born.To become their own secret.Money making in multiple ways naked! Lover&online husband within our
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Unstoppable! My soon to be for us! Expecting first and only ones ,forever! Respected Mothers of our own. On purpose baby steps.
Game plan creation like nature magic! Lucky us having opportunity. By Internet secret gardens mate. Of our own karma fate!
Ever heard the word? Birds of a feather flock together? Take a naked look for us! Top to the bottom. Of the Shop-13 page ,why?
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Location address home www.10greatlines.com Is a bed soaked sheets! Wet dreams with hot! Steam coming true for material girls.
With dollar sign eyes. Who have been waiting for their own! King Kong OMG size. Kind of meet man to come. Deep and stay in
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their dreams can come true. New beginnings and lives with unseen. Last names at work ,club ,grocery or retail stores. Roy
Fennell-03/30/2020-1:48p.m. Safely! Secretly! Quickly! By Internet financially engaged! Online married diva women. Daddy's
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based on facts! With millions of websites online. Type into google search. Roy Fennell's online married sex. Machines queens
sexual genies.
On an adult dating or jobs website or not! Respected still hot! Starting over in life. Single or divorced moms or not! Experienced
adult film female. Seeking work actresses or not! Web cam and phone sex. Employment opportunities. Is our red book diary secret
way. By Internet we can become. Financially engaged and online. Married within our 3. Circles skin tight! All night long naked!
Within your own castle. Bedrooms money for us relationship online marriage! I promise not a hint! Whisper or pain! Only mutual
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Once hired by the respected webcam. Phone sex employers ,first! Begins our never-ending financial! Honeymoon from the beginning
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married daddy's gurls! First&only ones ,forever! Respected Mothers of our. Baby steps game plan creation. Like no other.
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All the money ,gold coins ,vials and loose diamond stones ,daddy! Lucky and humble me! Your online husband. Roy Fennell-04/02/2020-11:30a.m.
Without walking out their castle doors! Round our world! Unstoppable! Like an animalistic wild. Silent call of nature. Untouchable!
AS IS seen naked ,daily! Within the reflections of their. Own full-length mirrors. Online married daddy's gurls. With unseen
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With webcams yes I do! Boss ladies team players ready! To seize and claim fame! With promotion of their stage names ,free!
Untamable! From the beginning seeking to rise up! To reign on top! Of the global webcam. Phone sex adult entertainment Industries
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International material girls with dollar sign eyes ,daily! American&Overseas manhood teasers. Sugar sweet secret garden
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Location address home www.10greatlines.com Is a bed soaked sheets! Wet dreams with hot! Steam coming true for material girls.
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Answering the silent sexual animalistic! Wild call of nature. With a true sense of purpose. In their lives ,daily! Financially!
To bank books ,first! Satisfy their never-ending! Spending and shopping habits! From the beginning no play! As soon to be.
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Based on their own! Castle bedrooms seduction power! Untouchable! World-class assets! Booty shaking and clapping seductive
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Round our world based on facts! With millions of websites online. Naked! No matter nature born breast sizes ,now! Type into
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By Internet 747 Jumbo Jet picked up! |

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Never tell to the grave. Online married camming and phone sexing female. Boss ladies virgin cherry popped twice! Naked on
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as secret wives! With having new lives. With unseen last names! At work ,club ,grocery or retail store. Shopping mall ,beauty
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Not a secret or mystery about them and us. By Internet coming together as one. Under the same heavenly roof. Of the stars
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Between Woman-1 and Woman-4 pages! Based on dollars and cents numbers facts! Discover and wide-eyed see! With your own eyes.
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When we began to secret gardens. Mate with lustful powerful rhythm! For lucky me made! Their beds shake! Like a mild earthquake!
Blame it on lucky me! Within the window of a specific. Time had their phones. Set to answer emergency calls only! Yes I confess.
Blame it on lucky me! Why they were unable to crawl. Even care why or who! Had been knocking on their castle. Doors or windows
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created 3 wash loads of bed soaked sheets. Untamable! Take a look top to the bottom. Of the red book love page. Roy Fennell-02/22/2020-12:05p.m.
For not committed within any relationships! Super horny-n-wet women ,daily! Within our money for us. Safe relationship online
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bed soaked sheets! Wet dreams with hot! Steam coming true for materials girls. With dollar sign eyes! Who have been waiting
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plan creation. International daddy and step daddy ,too! Only a naked phone call away! Lucky me Roy Fennell-03/09/2020-12:21p.m.
Financially! If drowning alive submerged deep! In credit cards and student loans debts ,alone! Shamelessly! Secretly! 25 to
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Untouchable! Legally! Get paid naked twice. To look and feel your best ,daily! For your own respected women. Men secret admirers
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Free will selected favorite wet dreams makers! Naked! Type into google search. Secret girlfriends online married. Secret
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Online married daddy's gurls! Who are still hot! Respected single and divorced moms. Will discover at least. One underlined
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I do! To the minds and hearts. Degree if they need to call me! Seeking my opinion or advice. Ain't no problem if they are
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Roy Fennell-02/22/2020-4:35p.m. Lucky ,lucky me! International step dad ,too! Unavailable to baby sit don't ask! * +
Based on facts discovered within the pages. Of Ten Great Lines, first! Opportunity as online married ,first! Untouchable!
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International online married daddy's gurls! Who desire and seek. To experience the excitement! Of sugar baby ,daddy and or
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with treatment as legal wives. Respected single/divorced moms or not! I do care if either. Of you lives ,starves or dies anywhere
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Reasons the plastic money is spent!
What does the above mean within the eyes? Of a woman on her own? Who lives alone ,daily? Who has a monthly car payment?
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Roy Fennell-02/22/2020-9:12a.m.
Safely! Within our money for us. Safe relationship online marriage. Secretly! Is a just right! Skintight dripping wet! Dreams
with steam coming true. For International material girls. With dollar sign eyes daily ,why? 25 to 30 hours per week. Camming
and phone sexing naked. Can deliver long-term financial happiness. With bank book security futures. In addition to their stock
pile. Of gold coins ,vials and loose diamond stones. Creation of their own future retirement fund! Shamelessly! 3 circles
captured every single. Drop of my financial seeds. Of website knowledge. When I first pulled it out! Sexually! What was to
belong to them. Almost touched their bedroom ceilings! Take a look top. To bottom of either Models-2 ,3,4,5 or 6 pages! Unstoppable!
Together as one on purpose. Taking all night long. At the most juicy ripe time! Without any birth control pills. Devices ,condoms
or expensive panties in our way. Untamable! Like wild animals in the jungle! Daddy&Mother love! Roy Fennell-02/22/2020-10:32a.m.
American and Overseas girls! Real life not fake. Equal opportunity online married. On purpose to their own showed them ,first!
Upfront all the money! Gold coins ,vials and loose diamond stones ,daddy! Without any favoritism possible ,why? The respected
webcam and phone sex employers. Hire and protect the identity. Including potential earned amounts. Once consent forms are
returned to them. They can make arrangements. To provide their proven. Expertise of professional webcam and phone sex training
,free! Steaming creamy hot wet! Dreams coming true benefits. For laptops or desktops with webcams. Not committed within any
relationships. Yes I do boss lady ready! Team players Who are drowning alive! While above ground sinking in the financial.
Troubled waters of credit card and or student loans debt ,alone! On an adult dating or jobs website or not! Still hot respected
single/divorced moms. Trying to make ends meet ,alone! Lucky me their own soon to be free willing online husband team player!
Based on the facts. Of the approx. 60 pages of Ten Great Lines. Roy Fennell-02/21/2020-3:59p.m. Equally! Free will opportunity
to take actions or not.
American&Overseas not committed within any relationships ,now! Women beyond any shadow of doubt! Safely! Can have a man.
In their lives to give ,freely! Not to take ,take and take like a relationship vampire! Instead without any lies ,games or
strings. Only seeking to be the wind. Beneath their wings ,why? So they can in their lives. Fly higher than Mighty Eagles
dare not go! To soar towards the sky ,why? To reach ,touch and kiss! The seemed to be unreachable STAR! Of their dreams be
they wide-awake or asleep! Their own soon to be online husband! Lucky me like nature magic! The known daddy! Of our baby steps.
Game plan creation! As the loud and proud parents. Based on the unseen power! Of minds and hearts true love ,itself! Which
has not a human face. While wearing only your favorite! Most expensive eye candy! Sexy hi-heel shoes now ,why? To take a look
for us. Top to the bottom. Of the you&me*** I do page! Roy Fennell-02/18/2020-9:40p.m. Type into google search. Online
married naughty girls. Secret wives of Roy Fennell. Who of minds and hearts. Believe and feel just like me. Without saying
a word only doing it! Action speaks louder than words and money talks. Even for material girls. With dollar sign eyes! Bed
soaked sheets! Steaming wet dreams can come true! For them to see their futures ,now! They can take a naked look! Top to the
bottom of the Shop-13 page. Their actions can provide results. Of priceless peace of minds daily first ,why? Once camming
and phone sexing earned amounts. Becomes equal or greater. Than the amounts of their respected everyday jobs paychecks ,why?
Zero what if bank book shock! Unexpected potential jobs loss fears. Or OMG sudden pink slip tears! On an adult dating or jobs
website or not! Still hot respected single/divorced moms or not! Safely! Beginning with webcam and phone sex employment ,first!
Opportunity to make a change. In their lives and futures. Instead of waiting for change. While hoping for the best! No can
touch ,kiss or lick it seduction game. Based on advertising big money is a multi-million. Dollar business a year. Be it perfume
,fashion ,cosmetics , or adult magazines proves sex sells. When it comes to money. Safe sex can pay well! When on purpose
making 25. To 30 hours per week. Never tell castle bedrooms arrangements for us! What is the financial true power of a nature
born woman? What would happen to the above sales? If not for a woman? Including any and all adult film DVD movies ,worldwide?
Right when many think they know a woman! They got no clue about them? All modern women of today! Are the best of the best!
On our Planet Earth! Roy Fennell-02/20/2020-7:55a.m. Who got more power? Is it a woman or a man? Based on facts! The truth
can be found on the power page! My soon to be! Unstoppable! Yes I do every day! Untouchable! Live wire on sexual heat fire.
International manhood teasers! Sugar sweet secret garden pleasers. No can ever touch! Pay to adult play. Live heart beating
valentines. World-class assets booty shakers! Business women of sexual fantasy wet dreams makers! Real life not fake! Online
married daddy's gurls! Legally! To protect their potential wealth! Discover on the power page. 2 underlined text link paragraphs.
To respected legal peoples. Is not an oops ,accident or mistake. I have zero interests. In their respected everyday jobs paychecks.
Be they corporate, retail ,housekeeping maids ,waitresses or fast food girls!
Between us from jump street! Reality not fantasy. Is it a lie or the undisputed truth? Many women round our world! Work on
their respected everyday jobs. For reasons not of their control. Does not provide a respected HR. Retirement benefits package.
To be waiting for them. At the end of the rainbow. Once reaching their respected early/full retirement ages. My soon to be
first&only ones ,forever! Respected mothers of our baby. Steps game plan creation. Take a naked look for us. Top to the
bottom. Of the Women-2 page ,why? To wide-eyed see with your own eyes! Of our own mutual karma fate. Times ,dates and years
cannot be a lie! Then discover 10 opportunity benefits of financial ecstasy! Not a secret or mystery of who I be he! The known
King Kong OMG size. Like nature magic! Love and respect delivery ,first! Daddy of our baby steps game plan creation. As female
authors document within their red book diary pages. New lives with unseen last names secret wives of Roy Fennell-02/17/2020-1:13p.m.
Impossible! For the above to be a lie ,why? Based of the facts! Of the named website page titles. Relationships ,goddesses
of seduction ,secret garden ,naughty girls and secret wives. Together as one! Unstoppable! Under the same heavenly roof. Of
the stars ,skies ,moon and sun ,above.
By Interne to their castle bedrooms ,worldwide! |

Naked! Joystick riding back to respected Ceres ,California U.S.A. |
AS IS seen naked within the reflections! Of their full-length mirrors ,daily! Without surrendering a single. Face-to-face
drop! Of their nature born sweet treats! Like gold secret gardens. With like lava hot! Liquid gold pleasure muffin honey!
Online married female TGL-Models! Legally! Naked online making and saving money! In multiple new ways! Without any jealousy
from me! Can enjoy naked! Thighs clapping and slapping like hands excitement! When they wide-eyed see! Shamelessly! Top to
the bottom of the dating page! Naked!
Their online husband lucky me! Roy Fennell-02/19/2020-11:40a.m.Still having unseen last names ,daily!
American&Overseas online married daddy's gurls! Round our world. Untouchable! Uncaged! Wildly! Goddesses of seduction
wet dreams! Makers and booty shakers! With power sex drives running hot! Like locomotive steam engines. From the beginning
seeking to get. To the top of the global! Financial food chain of the adult. Webcam and phone sex entertainment Industries.
Financially! To feed their never ending hungry! Gigantic spending and shopping appetites. Mother&Daddy no glove love.
Based on the unseen power! Of true love itself! Secret gardens mated of our own! No escape mutual by Internet. Karma fate
destiny on purpose. Like nature magic our. Red book diary secret way!
Legally! No matter the total amount! Of financial obligations in their names only. Safely! By Internet financially engaged!
Hooked up online married! Secretly! Within our money for us relationship. Online marriage is a dream! Coming true opportunity
for not committed within any. Relationships women consumed in silence! Feeling the pressure of financial. Overload with stress
alone ,daily! On an adult dating or jobs! Website or not! Nothing but the truth upfront ,first! Legally! All about making
money with each of thee! Not making money from each of you! Like a live heart beating income lollipop! As a no upfront fee
talent agent. Ain't no secret or mystery about me! I have zero reason to send. A woman an email message. Unless I feel and
believe! Her world-class assets! Is long lasting money in the bank fo'life ,why? I know the truth! About all modern day nature
born women ,worldwide! Take a look top. To the bottom of the TGL-Models page. Why modern day women. Of today are the best!
Of the best on our Planet Earth! Right when many think! They know a woman they really don't! Roy Fennell-02/17/2020-4:07p.m.
Webcam and phone sex employment opportunities! Is our red book diary secret way. By Internet we can become. Financially engaged
and online married. Camming and phone sexing naked. Female TGL-Models and boss ladies ,worldwide. On the job or at the grocery
store. Secret wives when wide-awake or asleep. Of the boss of the business Ten Great Lines. Roy Fennell-02/18/2020-8:12a.m.
Take a naked look top. To the bottom of the TGL-Models page ,why? Discover 2 special underlined paragraph text links! Including
webcam and phone sex. Sign up employment opportunities ,too! Once legal consent forms. Have been returned back to them ,first!
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like me they believe in each of you ,too! They are willing to hire! Not fire or layoff webcam and phone sex girls! Legally!
No matter the total amount of financial obligations. In their names only. Respected single/divorced moms or not! Type our
Internet address home location. 10greatlines.com into google search ,why? To wide-eyed discover and see the truth about us.
Based on the facts of google's web search results. My amazing female sexual genies. Shamelessly! Repeatedly! Loved being
on top ,too! Sexually! They boned it to own it! Some who love and use the club. Dance floor like a stage! Sooner or later
will be go! Girls on fire to rise up! Queens reign on top of the global! Untouchable! Webcam and phone sex adult entertainment
Industries! Take a look top. To the bottom of the Shop-13 page ,why? They crave and love attention like their dancing on stage
1. To real life not fake potential dream cars
2. To Nationwide rent to own homes
3. Shamelessly! Unstoppable! 25 to 30 hours per week! Some material girls! Round our world with dollar sign eyes!
Untamable! Will become committed and dedicate. Themselves in their desired direction. Towards rich/wealthy women. Luxury/Gangnam
offline and online. Shopaholic lifestyle futures ,why? To receive ,experience and enjoy. All benefits while still alive above
ground. As online married daddy's gurls. First&only ones ,forever! Respected mothers of our baby. Steps game plan creation.
Of which I confess! When it ,first! Kissed their hot dripping lips! My naked back! Was wedged between the corners of 2 bedroom
walls! When I first pulled it out! It almost touched their bedroom ceilings!
When I picked up! Their dripping juicy hot scent! |

Away I went to become! The proud parents of our baby steps game plan creation! |
Untouchable! Without any physical sex or contact possible! Sexually! How powerful would it make? A women feel about herself?
If she could seduce women and men? Legally! By credit card to pay? For all of her expensive? Eye candy sexy hi-heel shoes
and more? Shipped and delivered to her castle door? Or exact shipping address ,worldwide? Would she have any? Self doubts
about the power of her seductive magic? Being selected as their favorite? By her respected secret admirers? Hooked and wishing
they could be in their arms and beds ,daily? Sexually! As a female human being! What would it mean to her? If some men of
corncob? Manhood size are fully? Erect pointing in her naked wide-open direction? Just by the look of pure? Animalistic lust
in her eyes? Would he be convinced he? Got lucky and found his own? Never tell secret girlfriend for life ,why? She is the
reason his corncob manhood? Became erect at attention!
To reach and experience priceless peace of minds ,daily! Begins with webcam and phone sex employment first ,why? Once camming
and phone sexing earned amounts! Becomes equal or greater. Than your respected everyday jobs paychecks! Round our world based
on facts! Your own soon to be online husband! Lucky me has your backs now and later. Within our money for us. Safe relationship
online marriage. From the beginning towards. Each of your respected retirement ages! Roy Fennell-02/16/2020-1:25p.m. Reality
not fantasy new lives! Camming and phone sexing secret wives. With unseen last names ,daily! Untouchable! Goddesses of seduction
wet dreams makers! Online married daddy's gurls! Untamable! Unable to escape or run. Away from their own karma fate! For us
to secret gardens mate! Our red book diary secret way.Like nature magic within their own castle bedrooms. This is our live!
Book of love story about us! Unstoppable! With locked wide-open naked thighs! Take a look for us! Top to the bottom of the
red book love page. My yes I do! Soon to be first and only ones ,forever! Respected mothers of our on purpose! Lustfully!
Baby steps game plan creation! Thank-you for making your beds! Shake like a mild earthquake! For humble and lucky ,lucky me!
All that will be showing to tell. On us is each of your online. Live camming and phone sexing working hours schedules!
Female bosses and co-pilots! Online married ,first |

On auto-pilot reverse cowgirl riding in flight! On Ten Great Lines Airlines |

Live in the respected U.S.A. like humble me? Did each of thee know? 12.7 millions of human beings? Like you and me per year?
Are physically abused ,raped and or stalked? By their face-to face relationship? Trusted and loved ones? The actual numbers
of sadness ,tears and pain? May be higher ,why? The above specific website text! Link source is based on documented cases
only! Not a minds and hearts game or lie! I do care if either of thee! Lives ,starves or dies! Roy Fennell-02/20/2020-2:11p.m.
Reality not fantasy for some women! Have zero desire to be under. The same physical roof ,daily! Out of potential fear of
the unknown with a man ,why? Unexpectedly! Who may believe and feel! Might is Right! Wrong or Right! In the mood or not for
sex ,taken! If it be a lie! I did not care about other? Human beings like me? Be they women or men ,worldwide? What is or
was my obligation? To have created a jobs page at Ten Great Lines too?
Some women of minds and hearts. Discover too late! |

They fell in love! With the face of a complete stranger. Behind locked doors |
Love ain't sex and sex ain't love! The minds and hearts. Is the cement of any committed relationship. If it be a lie ,why?
Do millions of women? Within respected relationships cheat? Could it be possible? Not impossible for some? Of them to be still
in hot? Pursuit of the Elusive butterfly of love? Take a look top. To the bottom of the women page.
Unexpectedly! When feeling and believing not possible! Safely! Possible by Internet. To become financially engaged. Secretly!
From the beginning towards your respected retirement ages. Online married our red book diary secret way. Quickly! Within our
money for us. Safe relationship online marriage. American&Overseas not committed within any relationships. Modern day
women who believe. In karma fate like humble me. Can take a wide-open naked! Look top to the bottom. Of the red book love
page. For their own soon to be. Online husband lucky me! Yes I do ready ,first! To come sexual souls deep. In their lives
without a whisper. Hint of pain possible. Only mutual long-term financial gain. Of our own mutual karma fate! Destiney to
secret gardens mate. Our red book diary secret way, why? Round our world even for material. Girls with dollars sign eyes!
Bed soaked sheets wet dreams! Realty no longer their sexual fantasy can come true. Shamelessly! Delivered with love and respect
,first! By their own kind. Of King Kong OMG size meet man! To become the proud. Parents of our baby steps game plan creation.
Like nature magic within their castle bedrooms. Without any birth control! pills ,devices ,condoms or expensive panties in
our way, why?
1. To eliminate any and all stress! From potential what if. Respected everyday job loss fears ,daily!
2. To eliminate any and all stress ,daily! From potential what if. Respected everyday job. Lay-off tears. Becomes their
reality. No matter the total. Amount of financial obligations. Legally! Within their names only ,alone! Be they drowning alive
above ground. From credit cards/student loans debts or not!3. To eliminate their financial struggles. To make ends meet ,alone!
From the beginning all! Or nothing includes the free. Will discovery between Woman-1 and Woman-4 pages. The legal $1,000,000.00
financial game plan. Which showcases benefits of having their own not ours!. Business websites with business cards. In the
unknown future. Opportunity to create. Build ,maintain and promote. Their own not ours. Diva women empires ,worldwide. Top
to bottom take a look. For us of the relationships and power pages. Roy Fennell-02/14/2020-7:59a.m.
4.Within our money for us. Safe relationship online marriage. Legally! Impossible for me to ever. Seek a divorce from
either of thee!
5.Or treat either of you! Like an object! Such as an used car. By seeking to trade in! For a newer model!
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stones, daddy!
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dreams and goals. In your lives comes first ,not mine. Everything of Ten Great Lines is free will only!
Roy Fennell-02/15/2020-10:43a.m.
9.On purpose not an oops ,accident or mistake. Like nature magic within their own! Castle bedrooms bed soaked sheets!
Became the first and only ones ,forever! Respected mothers of our own! Hotly desired baby steps game plan creation. Experienced
adult film female actresses or not! Unpaid upfront ,first! On an adult dating/jobs website or not! Still on fire burning up!
Respected single/divorced moms or not! Safely! New beginnings and exciting new lives! Untouchable! Sexually! Being desired
by their own secret admirers! Sooner or later paying all their rent! Expensive eye candy sexy hi-heel shoes and more! Secretly!
Online married bank books ,first! Camming and phone sexing secret wives! Who live and love to offline and online shop naked!
Without ever hearing face! To face from lucky me! No ,too expensive we cannot afford your purchases! Even if it be a $1000.00
gold ankle bracelet! No problem between us ,ever! Be you 18 ,21 ,30 ,40 or 50 years of age! Even online treatment like an
adult woman. Not a respected school-age little girl!
My every day horny-n--live heartbeating valentines |

Within our money for us. Safe relationship online marriage. |
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seduction game itself! Many love the club dance floor ,why? They crave lots of attention and the spotlight! As bosses of their
own. Not ours webcam and phone sex. Businesses female TGL-Models. Are online married to the boss. Of Ten Great Lines. AS IS
accepted as seen naked! Within the reflections of their. Full-length mirrors. Without questions every day their hearts beat!
With a single beat for us!
As the founder and sole owner! Of the business Ten Great Lines. Internet address home location http://www.10greatlines.com
Business located and hosted within the respected U.S.A.! Not respected Countries of Australia ,Japan or Hong Kong For your
privacy and safety ,worldwide. Ten Great Lines does not page or website redirect! Collect ,store ,sell ,rent ,trade or barter.
Any personal information data. At no upfront ,fee! Increase of website protection coming soon. All the above with commitment
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Treatment like partners and legal wives! With unseen last names new lives. Not committed within any relationships. Women on
an adult dating or jobs. Website or not 25. To 30 hours per week! Camming and phone sexing secret wives. On purpose online
married daddy's gurls. With rich/wealthy women futures. From naked purchase! Of gold coins ,vials and loose diamond stones.
To create and finance their own! Respected future retirement funds! Along the journey opportunity. To reward ,spoil ,pamper
and treat! Themselves like modern day women queens ,deliriously! Without walking out their castle doors! Naked for us can
type into google search! Online married daddy's gurls. Diva women secret wives of Roy Fennell. The know daddy of our baby.
Steps game plan creation. Roy Fennell-02/13/2020-9:04p.m.
A Ten Great Lines Adventure! Ten Great Lines! |

Adventure,excitement,money,and travel! Tengreatlines.com! |
Sexually! Just like them! Believe in adult pleasure! 69 equal trust with lust! With mutual team playing relationship benefits!
Top to the bottom. Take a look at either. Models 2,3,4,5 or 6 pages. My soon to be every day. Live wire super horny-n-wet
live heart beating valentine's daddy's gurls! Shamelessly! Like nature magic within their own castle beds. Sexually! Became
my 3 circles. Amazing female sexual genies! First and only ones ,forever! Respected mothers of our on purpose. Baby steps
game plan creation. Like nature magic! Delivered before it was time. For lucky me to return. To respected Ceres ,California
U.S.A. I confess when I firs pulled it out! Of OMG King Kong size! It almost touched their castle bedroom ceilings!
When able to cut like a razor!
Weekly! Thy grocery bills
like a habit per month. Respected single/divorced moms or not! New lives with unseen last names ,daily! Impossible! Between
us to ever experience. Any potential face-to-face! Fears ,tears or physical pain! Behind any closed/locked castle doors! When
wide awake or asleep! Type into google search for us naked or not! Online married naughty girls. Secret wives of Roy Fennell-02/13/2020-9:46p.m.
Live in the respected U.S.A. like me? Did you know 12.7 million per year? Human beings are physically abused? Raped and our
stalked by their trusted and loved partners? Sooner or later you will discover. More than one such links of fears ,tears and
pain! Which can leave unseen scars for life!
The savings can be used to pay.
Another bill(s)! Or used to make
thyselves! Feel real good to
offline/online shop. For some
sexy merchandise, weekly! Or
local beauty salon visit.
Like a weekly feel good habit!
Without spending a penny.
Of thy everyday jobs paychecks.
1.Quickly! To discover, locate and
see. Potential saving money and
making money opportunities.
2.Top to bottom of each page
3.Scroll down to mouse click target
4.Only underlined text link paragraphs.
Or banners of your interest right now!
5.To bookmark to visit when having more.
Time available no matter the time zone
6.10greatlines.com. Not an illusion
or mirage. Is our Internet address
location home. Our secret special
greet! Meeting and mating place, too!
When leaving thy expensive panties.
Somewhere or anywhere within thy castles.
No tickets required when booking all.
Thy travel visits on Ten Great Lines
Airlines. All round trip flights, free!
As female co-pilots in the cockpit with me!
Wearing only thy favorite sexy. Legal
money making team players. Camming and
phone sexing for us hi-heel shoes!
Without a hint/whisper of pain only financial gain.
Queen's served sexual souls deep by lucky me.
Like nature magic delivery! Secretly! Naked
within their own castle bedrooms, worldwide.
Wide-eyed OMG King Kong size. Love-n-respect, first!
Neither of my amazing female sexual genies. With
dollar sign eyes! Which did shine-n-sparkle like
diamonds. Had no respected engagement. Wedding rings
on their soft fingers, first! Shamelessly! Secretly!
Lustfully! In sexual heat to secret gardens mate.
Before with rhythm we began coming together. To
become my every day live heart beating Valentines.
American&Overseas committed female boss ladies. Bank
books growing in size. Daddy's gurls diva women.
Untouchable! World-class assets naughty girls secret wives.
International manhood teasers! Secret gardens
pleasers online married. The boss of Ten Great Lines.
On purpose for us our red book diary secret way.
From the beginning committed material girls for life.
Desire on fire creation of luxury! Gangnam lifestyle
long-term futures! While still alive above ground.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Like no other women round our world on Planet Earth.
Daddy&Mother love lust we can trust, forever!
Roy Fennell-06/28/2018-12:35p.m.
Not an illusion or mirage! To see with thy own eyes!
Safe-n-naked top to bottom. Of the diva women page.
Benefits of new lives from 25-30 hours per week.
Arrangements towards thy own respected retirement ages.
Not me for themselves, first! Not committed within any
kinds. Of relationships yes I do ready material girls.
With laptops/desktops with webcams available for us.
Along the journey in the direction of their retirement.
Ages can become committed to becoming rich! Wealthy
women from purchases of gold coins. Vials and loose
diamond stones. To create/finance their own down.
The roads of their lives future retirement funds.
Prince charming and friends. Ms./Mr. Right made the
mistake! Of no delivery of respected matching eye!
Candy engagement with wedding rings on their fingers, first!
Too late while coming like a river. Delivered for their
own of no small measure. Do them deep money right man.
Groaning and moaning came hard on it! To bone-n-own it!
They became the respected Mothers! Without any hesitation!
Of our baby steps game plan creation!Female legal get
paid money. Making naked team players. Lovers of their
own adult pleasure. Castle bedrooms bank books teacher.
Their own secret money making lover&online husband.
Without lies, games or strings with treatment. Nothing
less like legal wives. No matter their nature born
breast sizes. Not possible to be the same women, again!
Before by Internet we became financially engaged!
Online married without walking out either of our doors!
Lucky us of our own mutual Internet karma fate destiny.
Online got married committed daddy's gurls diva women.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Within our saving money. Making money in multiple new
ways naked! Internet address location home when, alone.
Tengreatlines.com Wide-open by them not me. Receiving
what belongs to them. To make rise up! To increase the
amounts. Within their savings/checking accounts. To
make grow bigger! The sizes of their bank books.
Financial joy delivery wet dreams coming true.
For super horny-n-wet women, daily! Solid as a rock!
To help, make and keep full! Their deep bank book well!
Swollen with financial spending/shopping power delights!
Unseen queens secret wives of the castle. In respected
Ceres, California U.S.A.! Of the known not unknown.
Together on purpose not an oops, accident or mistake.
Came in their lives to stay! Not dip-n-go runaway!
Daddy of our own baby steps game plan creation. Queen's
served within their own castle bedrooms special delivery.
Wearing only their favorite sexy hi-heels shoes for us.
For born to be wild-n-free! Material girls for life.
Without saying a single word. Who promise to the grave.
To never tell on us not a secret. Or mystery on the
diva women page. Sooner or later can become their reality!
Made possible by them online married. Boss ladies in the
driver's seat control. Of the desired direction. Of
their lives and futures. Committed one baby step at a time.
Unstoppable! Daddy&Mother love together as one. Untamable!
Last names our secret to the grave.
Roy Fennell-06/28/2018-4:22p.m.
When I picked up their come and get it! Dare
not be 1 minute late or else dripping scent!
Away I went to secret gardens mate! All night
long naked. Waiting female lava hot sexual genies.
I arrived just in time. Lucky me of OMG size tree!
Delivered sexual souls 3 inch milky way depth. Of
secret gardens Womanhood. Most trusted secret place.
Sexually! Experienced or not virgin cherry popped.
Naked twice fly girls first&only Ones, forever!
Shamelessly! By their own first&only one, forever!
Chinese proverb: You will be unusually successful in business. Chinese proverb: You will always have good luck in your personal
affairs. Chinese proverb: You display the wonderful traits of charm and courtesy. Chinese proverb: You are soon going
to change your present line of work. Chinese proverb: There is a prospect of a thrilling time ahead of you.
American&Overseas nature born women. Soon to be online married, first! Expecting like nature magic! Female TGL-Models
no matter their breasts sizes. Deeper than G-spot pops delivery by lucky me! When I pulled it out! Almost touched the
ceiling! When I asked for permission to deliver, first! Each of my amazing sexual genies said OMG yes! Naked! With
wide-open thighs. Animalistic lust in their eyes. Like female werewolves in sexual heat! To greet, meet and lava hot
secret gardens mate. All the way no play sexual souls deep eruptions. Shamelessly! Coming like a flowing river delivery. By
my soon to be expecting super horny-n-wet! International moms Internet brides and wives. Uptown girls who climbed up-n-down!
The delivered huge surprise tree. Of lucky me their own downtown man. Slowly! Going down below beneath the umbrellas.
Of their secret gardens buried treasure. Sexually! On a love tunnel journey. Destination no man's land. With rhythm
in bed team players. Without a hint or whisper of pain. To create the heart beats. Bringing to life on purpose. Our
baby steps game plan creation. Producing 3 wash loads of bed soaked sheets. Of our own mutual Internet karma fate destiny. We
became the perfect 3-some in their beds. When the naughty girls. Goddesses within the good girls. Took turns scent claiming
working it! Like a baton exchange by stars! At a 440 track meet event! While I held it with my big strong hands for
them. Secretly! I gave them secret garden. Reasons for all their wet dreams. Bed soaked sheets when asleep! Unexpectedly!
All sudden body jerk eruptions at work! For our secret garden reasons to the grave about us. The secret sexual magic
between us. Is to make them feel alive as women. Not unburied still above ground. Even down on my knees to beg them.
Please no text-n-drive! Thinking about us and our lives and futures. Due to the facts. Love ain't sex and sex ain't
love not a mystery. They are different as day-time is to night-time. Absolutely! No matter the time zone round our world. Without
any lies, games, false promises or strings. Even for female survivors of all. Their past relationships, combined. Like
the circle of life. Sooner or later what goes around comes around. Even the Elusive Butterfly of Love! Which has not a
human face. Nor can be seen or touched only felt. The unseen character is the true face. Of a woman or man round our

Round our world seek not! To never ever be under. The foot, thumb or income control, daily! Of any man on our Planet
Earth. To put food on their kitchen tables, daily! Including lucky me who. Had no desire to cage. Fence or corral them into
a relationship. Instead helping them become wild-n-free! To live enjoying the experience. Of financial freedom&liberty,
daily! While they still be alive above ground. Taking a flight towards new lives. Benefits from the fruits of their
labor. Spoiling and pampering themselves, deliriously! Like modern day women queens. Offline/online shopping naked sexual
freedom paradise.
Rising higher towards the sky female pride! Savings/checking accounts amounts! Bank books, too! For us once hired for
webcam. Phone sex employment first! Not an illusion, mirage, secret or mystery. Between us each of thee! AS IS seen
naked! Within the reflections. Of thy own full-length mirrors! Every day thy hearts beat without questions. Unseen
queens of my physical castle. In respected Ceres, California U.S.A.! The known not unknown daddy.Like nature magic helper.
Of no small measure delivery. Within thy own castle bedrooms. Sexual souls deep secret. Gardens buried treasure ecstasy! Milky
way 3 inch depth of womanhood no man's land. Like live tattoos fingernails clawed my naked back! On purpose so we could
become the proud parents. Of our mutual desired baby steps game plan creation. Untamable! Based on the unseen minds&hearts.
Unstoppable! Power of true love, itself! Which has not a human face.
Like looking into a crystal ball, now! To see how the desired direction. Of thy lives and futures. Can be within our
unique. One of a kind safe relationship online marriage. Possible wet dreams come true. Reality not fantasy when each
of thee! As female boss ladies are in the driver's! Seat control not humble me. From the beginning towards thy own individual.
Respected retirement ages who I be. My only role for each of thee. Of our own mutual Internet karma fate destiny. Seeing
is believing and feeling it, first! Not an illusion or mirage about us. Like nature magic to secret gardens. Mate
with thy own secret money. Making lover and online husband. Like no other women round our world just for them. American&Overseas
material bank books girls. Soon to be the expecting only respected Mothers. Of our baby steps game plan creation.
With wide-open locked naked thighs! Lava hot drippin' wet in my direction to stay. Can take a look top-to-bottom. Of
the Woman-2 page. To discover and wide-eyed see! With their own eyes upfront, first! Going in the direction one baby. Step
at a time towards financial freedom&liberty. Going down the roads, by-ways and highways of thy lives. Towards thy
own respected retirement ages. Impossible! To be just another minds&hearts lie. Uncaged! Born to be wild-n-free,
daily! International nature born female TGL-Models. By internet online married, first! Our red book diary secret way. Became
online married daddy's gurls diva women. Of their own adult pleasure. Of no small measure. Castle bedrooms bank books
teacher delivery. Sexual souls deep within their secret gardens. Queen's served like gold buried treasure. International
moms Internet brides&wives. My fly girls first&only Ones, forever! Who got virgin cherry popped naked twice.
Wildly! Within their own castle bedrooms. Making their beds shake! Like a mild earthquake! For super lucky, lucky me. Their
own just for them first&only one, forever!
Like looking into a crystal ball. Not an illusion,
fantasy or mirage. Taking a flight towards new
lives, 24/7! Online married daddy's girls diva
women. No can touch it delights. Goddesses of
seduction. Business women of reality&fantasy.
In pursuit of financial freedom&libery! Of our
own mutual lucky us. Internet karma fate
destiny reality. Safe-n-naked each of thee!
Can take a wide-eyed look! Top-to-bottom of the
diva women page. To discover and see! With thy
own eyes with locked! Wide-open naked thighs.
The desired direction of thy lives&futures.
No matter their nature born breasts sizes.
Born to be wild-n-free! Not a mystery never caged!
Uptown fly girls first&only Ones, forever! Not an
oops, accident or mistake. On purpose being the
only respected Mothers. Of our desired mutual
baby. Steps game plan creation like nature magic!
Super female pride with endless desire fire. To
collect unlimited amounts! Of electronic credit
cards. Plastic money for their own savings and
checking accounts. Born ready yesterday to seize!
Opportunity to shine like diamonds. To make history
for themselves. Going up the ladder of bank books.
Financial success as rising up! Unstoppable!
Camming&phone sexing hard rising STARS! Sooner
or later! To queen's bees reign on top! Of the
webcam and phone sex employment. Global no can
touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! Never can
ever lick it! Adult entertainment Industries of
their own individual. Internet karma fate destiny.
Born to use their castle bedrooms like a live stage.
Safely! No travel risks required when without any
hesitation. Creation of their own big breaks in
life. Unlike an adult film DVD movie location set.
They be the only ones in the spotlight! Only ones
being the center of all attention! Like a habit, daily!
Just them being the only ones who get paid!
Legally! Naked twice without walking out their doors.
To take care of their own rent, utilities and bills!
Independent contractors female boss ladies. Who are
the only ones who create. Make and set the working
hours. Schedules of their own part-time/full-time.
Webcam/phone sex businesses to live. Enjoying
the experience and taste. Of becoming self-employed!
Female players&adult entertainers of the seduction
game, itself! Not an illusion or mirage. Being the
live heart beating no can touch it! Secret garden
reasons the plastic money is spent. As the no can
kiss it! Never can ever lick it! Favorite secret
girlfriends of thy own respected secret admirers.
American&Overseas nature born female TGL-Models.
Round our world are online married material girls.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
With a never ending sweet-tooth taste. For the finer
things in life. Will become girls gone wild for benefits.
Offline/online shopping naked sexual freedom paradise.
Wildly! Born to run with the unseen nature born.
Wolfpack of female TGL-Models Network, worldwide. With
a ton of pride beyond a shadow of doubt. Without desire
to be down on the ground, daily! Under the foot, thumb
or relationship. Income control of any male human being.
Unable to date others wild-n-free in a heart beat.
Round our world including super lucky, lucky me!
Just like me we desire financial freedom&liberty!
Not free willing to take a chance! Gamble with our
lives and futures. Secretly! Within our own minds&hearts!
Hoping for the best every day our hearts beat! The lucky
ones will have our naked backs without strings, 24/7!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Zero minds and hearts doubts. About us having each
other's naked backs, 24/7! Even when we are asleep.
Without joint bank accounts between us on purpose.
Even at work zero dip-n-go money concerns and fears.
When having thy own secret. Money making lover&online
husband. In everything each of thee come first not me.
Secretly! In their dreams round our world. Many of
the modern women of today! Desire for themselves only.
A safe-n-naked relationship. With long-term for years
benefits. Without a hint/whisper of any spiritual!
Physical or financial! Sexual or verbal abuse possible!
Behind their own closed/locked castle doors,24/7!
When least expected they may of minds&hearts ,first!
Discover within the school of life. Sometimes dreams
and wishes like nature magic! Can become reality no
longer. Just a fantasy of one of their many dreams.
Your always friendly Captain of no small measure.
Super lucky me. Roy Fennell-05/14/2018-10:44a.m.
Between the online shop-1 and shop-20 pages. Not
an illusion to spoil! Pamper yourselves, deliriously!
Online shopping naked like modern day women queens.
As the heads-to-toes complete package. No matter thy
nature born breasts sizes. Banging hot bodies or not.
On an adult dating/jobs website or not. AS IS seen
naked! Within the reflections of thy own castle.
Bedrooms full-length mirrors round our world, daily!
Legally! Together as one all at once! Impossible!
Not our faults we are not already married, now!
Living within either of our castles, daily! Making
plans for our own mutual. Just for us financial
happiness! Long-term security futures as team players.
Ain't got nothing to do with us. When being yes I do
ready! With laptops/desktops with webcams available.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Safe-n-naked for us opportunity with potential lifetime.
Benefits to have more in thy lives. Bank books, closets
and wrapped! Around thy nature born soft-n-hot bodies!
Than within all thy past relationships, combined!
Secretly! For the legal money FWB-NSA! Committed
material girls for life! Wet dreams coming true, daily!
Without delivery of respected matching engagement.
Eye candy wedding rings on their soft fingers, first!
Sexually desired as the only Ones. Delivered by prince
charming and friends. Ms./Mr. Right within a respected
legal honeymoon night. Benefits of a potential just us.
Long-term future only possible within their dreams.
When awake becoming lost in the memories of daydreams.
Based on reality not fantasy. Discovery of what they
can see! With their own eyes! Having zero minds and
hearts doubts. Between us not an illusion. False
promise, lie, game or mirage. Without a single string.
From the beginning towards their own retirement ages.
Secretly! Sexual souls deep 3 circles complete
package. Delivered to what belongs to them. Received
from their own kind. Of greet-n-meet secret garden mate.
Man of OMG size surprise big tree! Who arrived just in
time. Not 1 minute late our red book diary. Secret way
when wanted, needed and desired most. In their lives with
AS IS treatment. Like legal wives to wall-to-wall tight!
Fill them up deep with delivery. Of financial seeds of
website knowledge. They can capture and use to eliminate!
Any known or unknown potential what if! Everyday jobs
loss fears, daily! Capture and use to eliminate! Any
potential least expected what if, pink slips tears, daily!
Being their own online husband! Secret money making lover!
Not a potential dip-n-go! Then runaway from them boyfriend!
Unexpectedly! While delivering those powerful naked words.
"I love you" becoming respected pregnant! Unable to receive
respected engagement! Wedding rings on their soft fingers.
Delivery of priceless peace of minds&hearts benefits.
Lucky us of our own Internet karma fate delivery destiny!
Available not committed within any kind of relationships.
Women desired material girls for life. Without saying a
single word. Free willing yes I do ready for us! Can
secret gardens mate by Internet. Karma fate our red
book diary. Secret way with their own show. Them
everything without strings upfront, first! All the money,
gold coins, vials and loose diamond stones, daddy!
To become camming and phone sexing naughty girls.
Secret wives female boss ladies. Daddy's gurls diva
women with world-class assets! Untouchable! Goddesses
of seduction. No can touch it! Business women of
reality&fantasy! Online married to the boss. Of Ten Great
Lines. Benefits to treat, spoil and pamper yourselves!
Deliriously! Like modern day women queens of thy castles!
Roy Fennell-06/13/2018-1:42p.m.From the beginning
towards thy own individual respected retirement ages.
Within thy own castle bedrooms real life not fake.
Legal get paid in multiple new ways naked bank book.
Girls of thy own no small measure adult pleasure.
Castle bedrooms bank book teacher lucky, lucky me!
Top to bottom take a wide-open! Safe-n-naked look!
At the diva women page. For us and our long-term future!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Real life not fake castle bedrooms team players!
Online married without world-class assets being touched!
International manhood teasers and secret garden pleasers!
Legal get paid naked! Never can ever kiss/lick it!
Money makers, booty shakers and wet dreams makers!
Safe-n-naked new lives while still alive above ground.
Together as one no matter the distance of miles. Of minds and hearts each of thee! Are just like me. Believe and feel
actions and motions. Towards our dreams and goals in our lives. Speaks louder than any amounts of words&Money Talks!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Within our saving money. Making money Internet address
location home. Tengreatlines.com. Shamelessly! Wildly!
Untamable! Nakedly! Unstoppable! Naturally! Unconditional!
With wide-open naked thighs!Like female voyeurs my fly girls.
Online married secret wives and unseen queens.
Of my physical castle in respected Ceres, California U.S.A.
First&only Ones, forever! Absolutely! Can see themselves
secret gardens. Mating with their own of no small
measure. First&only one forever! Like wild animals in the
jungle. Like just got married! Honeymoon bedroom lovers!
Daddy&Mother love together as one doing it, nonstop!
Round the clock 365 days a year. Heads-to-toes depth
of sexual souls. Consumed being roasted alive! By the
same flames of lava hot! With rhythm bun in the oven.
Secret desire fire of our baby steps game plan creation.
Like nature magic delivery! All night long naked twice.
Delivered within their own castle bedrooms, worldwide.
Last names to the grave. Which can never be taken or
stolen! From them locked within their own minds and
hearts. With every heart beat safer than a bank vault!
Roy Fennell-05/20/2018-2:25p.m.
Once I reached 3 inch depth of no man's land. Of
sexual souls deeper than G-spot pops buried treasure.
Delivery of secret gardens womanhood by lucky me. Of OMG
big surprise tree! Sexually! My amazing female sexual
genies. Began shifting gears for us. To become the
proud parents. Before it was time for humble me. To
leave the beds of my live! Wire sex machine queens.
Faster than a fighter jet! Can fly high in the sky!
To return to respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Without a hint/whisper of guilt or shame! No regrets
no matter the castles. Round our world like cement.
Their eye candy favorite just for us. Expensive sexy
camming&phone sexing hard. Money making hi-heel shoes.
Always near the main entrance/exit locked doors!
Even when on their respected everyday jobs at work.
International moms Internet brides&wives online married.
American&Overseas naughty daddy's girls diva women,24/7!
Not an oops, accident or mistake possible! Any/all woman/man pictures. Be they of animated actions or not. Within the
approx. 60 pages. Discovered and seen within our Internet. Address location home Tengreatlines.com. Are symbolic
to us already online married! Within our money for us relationship online marriage. Safe-n-naked seeing thy selves like
female voyeurs! Sexually! With rhythm bucking and being bucked hard! By thy own secret money making lover&online
husband. With each of thee being the only female. Money making lovers of thy own adult pleasure. Of no small measure. Castle
bedrooms bank book teacher delivery, nonstop! No matter their nature born breasts sizes. Just right to become the respected
Mothers. Of our baby steps game plan. Creation within their own castle bedrooms. Amazing female sexual genies round
our world. Shamelessly! With a grab-n-captured no slip away! Never let go of it tight grip! Of their own kind of sexual!
Wildly! Animalistic do them money right man!
Like no other women on our Planet Earth. Like nature
magic! Within their own castle bedrooms. Round our world.
Sexually experienced or not. Banging hot bodies or not.
On an adult dating/jobs website or not. Became my own
online married fly girls. First&only Ones, forever!
Virgin cherry popped naked twice. Sexual souls 3 inch
depth. Of secret gardens womanhood. By their own
first&only one, forever! Lucky me of OMG huge surprise
tree! Delivery beneath their coming like a river.
Umbrellas became the only respected Mothers. Of our own
with no regrets. Baby steps game plan creation, forever!
International online married daddy's gurls diva women.
Unseen queens of my castle in Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Roy Fennell-06/21/2018-2:29p.m. Neither of my own
heart pounding live wire. Sex machine queens amazing
female sexual genies. Had no respected matching
engagement/weddings rings on their soft fingers, first!
Seeing is believing and feeling it, first! Not an oops, accident or bad mistake. The named website title pages. Relationships!
Naughty girls! Secret wives! Secret garden. Goddesses of seduction! Is all about us. Within our live Book of Love! Of
our own mutual. Internet karma fate destiny. To secret gardens mate. On purpose not an oops, accident or mistake. Our red
book diary secret way. Of the billions of other women. Round our world to become the only. Respected Mothers of our
baby steps game plan creation. With each of thee the only. Unseen queens of my physical castle. In respected Ceres,
California U.S.A., 24/7! American&Overseas online married secret wives. Daddy's gurls diva women amazing female
sexual genies. Happy Mother's and Valentine's day at once. Every day thy hearts beat! From the daddy of no small measure. Of
our baby steps game plan creation like nature magic! Not a minds&hearts secret mystery of the last names. Within
our money for us relationship online marriage. Legal get paid naked twice! Camming and phone sexing plastic money! Making
secret wives no illusion or mirage. Safe-n-naked within thy own castle bedrooms. Round our world online married naughty
girls. Real life not fake. Taking care of business for us on purpose team players. Of thy own secret money. Making
lover and online husband. Of thy own adult pleasure. Of no small measure. Delivery castle bedrooms bank books teacher
sexual genie! Goddesses of seduction new lives. Business women of reality. World-class assets banging bodies or not. Based
on the facts. Of thy known/unknown respected family history tree. Secret girlfriends of fantasy. Of thy own respected
webcam. Phone sex secret admirers! Roy Fennell-05/13/2018-3:25p.m. When wanted, needed and hotly! Deeply! Desired
most in thy lives. Just in time without lies, games or strings. To stomp like a roach! On the kitchen floor all! Thy
what if, stress! From respected what if, job loss. Fears and what if, potential pink slips tears, daily! Long lasting
for years treatment like legal wives. King Kong size delivery with love-n-respect, first! Sudden body jerks at work
wet dreams coming true. For each of thee who promise to the grave. Secretly! Sexually! To never tell what they mean
between us!
Unknown to many of their respected family. Friends round our world. Secretly! On the outside good girls. On the inside
naughty girls. Shamelessly! With powerful do it, urges, daily! Sex drives like steaming hot locomotive steam engines. Unstoppable!
AS IS naked online married wives. Cammimg and phone sexing hard new lives. Is a wet dreams coming true. Safely! Secretly! Quickly!
Secret gardens mated with their own kind. Of do them like a wild animal sexual genie man. Be their own secret money!
Making lover&online husband. Of no small measure. Taking a love tunnel journey. With rhythm beyond G-spot pops.
Sexual souls deep if, they yes I do! Promise to never tell on us. For lucky me of big surprise OMG tree! Delivery they
became my own complete package. Whole wedding cake&icing, too! At once 3 circles/both hands tight! Secretly! All
night long naked twice sweet delights. Yes, I do promised me! They would never tell it! On Ten Great Lines Airlines.
When flying to-n-from our Internet address location home. Tengreatlines.com. While locked on automatic pilot! In the
cockpit with lucky me. They being the only ones of delivery. Reverse cowgirl joystick riders! Who learned the benefits!
Of using their favorite OMG size. Adult pleasure manhood toys of joy. To stay snap finger tight on purpose. To feel
and experience deep. From the inside to the outside. Like a volcano multiple G-spot. Powerful OMG pop and pop eruptions
excitations! Not a secret or mystery about us and our kind of lust! They got 747 Jumbo Jet! Picked up swept off their
feet. By Internet by their own friendly captain! Equal treatment like legal wives. Side-by-side in the cockpit. When
down on the ground alone in their castles. Not by text communications. Shamelessly! Instead telephone lustful conversations!
Without any hesitations so I can hear! In my ear their loud moans and groans. Delivery from their favorite OMG! Size
toys of joy they can learn. Benefits of how to shout out! Count each and every single! Big "O" physical orgasm
sexual ecstasy. Delivered secret intimacy shared privately with lucky humble me. Like hot steam while screaming OMG!
Creaming until weak in their knees! Be they 18, 25, 30 or 55 years of age.
Like live wire heart pounding sex machine queens. Within their own castle bedrooms for lucky me. Made me feel like a
king. International daddy and proud parent! When each of my nature born! Amazing female genies like nature magic! Delivered
for us our baby. Steps game plan creation. Sexually! Like queen's demand and command! Before I was allowed to leave
their beds. To faster than a fighter jet! Can fly high in the sky! To return to respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Not asked I was told by phone! To not make the mistake! To be 1 minute late! Delivery what belonged to them or else!
Safely! Round our world right before thy eyes! Like looking into a crystal ball. Each of thee can see, now! How and
why in thy own futures. Sooner or later will be able. To experience priceless peace of mind, daily! 1.When thy camming
and phone sexing earned amounts. Becomes equal/greater than the amounts. Of thy own respected everyday jobs paychecks,
first! 2.Reality not fantasy elimination. Without hesitation of what if, stress! From jobs loss fears, daily! 3.Bank
books facts reality not fantasy elimination. Without hesitation of what if, unexpectedly! Without warning pink slip
tears, daily! For my soon to be online married. Expecting female TGL-Models. Untamable! Born to be wild-n-free! Unstoppable! Round
our world material girls. What counts to them every day. Their hearts beat is the amounts. Of their savings and checking
accounts. Naked! With wide-eye joy at the size. Of their own individual bank books, why? Delivery for their own happy
hearts happiness, first! Delivery for their own financial happiness benefits. They can see for their own security futures
possible. To never be down on the ground. Under the foot, thumb or income control. Under their own castle roofs, daily! Of
any man on our Planet Earth. To provide food on their kitchen tables, daily! Including lucky, lucky me. New beginnings&man
in their lives. With King Kong size. Delivery of sexual souls deep love-n-respect, first! Like nature magic beneath
the secret garden umbrellas. Of my 3 circles/both hands tight amazing sexual genies. Without a hint/whisper of pain.
Safely! To make their secret sexual desired fantasy. A wet dreams come true. 4.Financially! When having their own world-class
assets. Protection by the above for themselves, first! Is it a lie! Or the undisputed bank books truth. 5.Zero what
if, minds and hearts doubts. If the lucky ones receiving the nature. Born fruits of their lucky charms delights. 6.Would
back up those powerful naked words delivery. "I love you" with financial protection. From what if, jobs loss
fears, daily! From what if, potential. Bank books shock pink slip tears, daily! Their respected everyday jobs is their
financial lives, daily! 7.A relationship is a 2-way street. All about having each other's backs. For mutual survival
daily! 8.Team player mutual benefits. To get ahead to stay in life. With individual and mutual goals in their lives. 9.Without
saying a single word. It does matter to many women. Round our world with an overload. Of financial obligations on paper.
In their names alone, daily! 10. Like looking into a crystal ball. Each of thee can wide-eyed see! The upfront minds&hearts
truth about us. Not an illusion or mirage. How thy own soon to be secret. Money making lover&online husband. Now
and later got thy naked backs. With nothing less than treatment like legal wives. Exactly! As would be expected from humble
me. Legally! If, already married living within thy own castles, daily! Delivery of those powerful naked words. "I
love you" with a secret whisper! 1 hour before the end. Of thy respected everyday jobs workshift! For secret gardens
reasons between us. To slip away to pull down. Taking-off thy expensive panties with lust for us. Lucky me being thy
own down below! Hot wet-n- juicy! Secret reasons for all sudden body jerks at work! When starting the engines in the
parking lots retail or not. Respected corporate, management, sales or front-end or not! Thinking about thy own just
us expensive favorite. Camming and phone sexing hard sexy. Money making and no can touch it! Booty shaking hi-heel shoes.
Like cement near or at the main. Entrance/exit of our castle doors. On purpose round our world born ready! Legal
get paid twice money making naked! Role playing no can kiss it! Goddesses of seduction. No! No! No! Never can ever lick
it! Business women of reality. Without a whisper/hint of jealously from me. Fantasy wet dreams makers of thy secret
11.Safe-n-naked unhappy and lonely. Bored out of their minds, daily! Secretly! Starving and hungry for look at me! Safe
attention with excitement! In their lives online married. Daddy's gurls diva women as team players. Unstoppable! With
their just us favorite. Sexy hi-heel shoes like cement. At the main entrance/ exit doors. Of their castles even at their
respected everyday jobs. Can be happy living to enjoy! The excitations and experience, daily! With a sense of purpose.
Sooner or later like an after work habit! Born ready to jailbreak! Going over the wall escape! Their own limited income
financial prison! Not an illusion or mirage. Slowly! Based on the growing bigger. In size of their bank books. As boss ladies
of their own webcam. Phone sex online live. Working hours schedules being in the driver's seat. Control of the desired
direction. Of their own respected lives and futures. Untamable! One baby step at a time. Towards financial freedom&liberty!
Uncaged! To become wild-n-free all night long naked twice! Bucking and sexual souls deep bucked! By their own secret
money. Making lover&online husband. So we could become the proud. Howing and growling parents! Of our own just for
us. Mutually desired like nature magic! Bun in the oven with each of thee. Becoming the only respected Mothers. Of our
baby steps game plan creation. Our red book diary special secret way. On purpose like no other women on our Planet Earth. Of
our own mutual Internet karma fate destiny. I knew best not to make the mistake! Of being 1 minute late! I obeyed my
amazing sexual genies. Queen's commands and demands when for us. Would not be taking any birth. Control pills at the
most ripe-n-juicy! Ready to receive special specific window. Of time in their lives naked! Alone in their castles waiting for
lucky me. Of OMG huge size surprise tree delivery. To 3 circles/both hands tight complete package. Come get his own
soon to be unseen secret wives. Queens of his own physical castle in respected Ceres, California U.S.A.! To help them
end their financial. Struggles to make ends meet, alone! No matter the nature born sizes of their breasts. From their
heads-to-toes and down below. As the complete package in their beds. For lucky humble me became the whole wedding cake&icing
at once, too! It became too late for prince charming&friends. Ms/Mr.Right who made the mistake. Of not being in
a hurry! To provide and deliver respected engagement. Wedding rings on their soft fingers, first! By allowing them
to remain for years. Standing and waiting at the altars. Of their lives all, alone!
Not looking when least expected possible. Needed most in their lives. In an economy of snap finger! Quick! Respected
what if, everyday jobs loss fears, daily! What if, potential pink slip tears, daily! Not their faults wet dreams coming
true. Secretly! Just in time for them. Their kind of man sexual genie. Popped up to stay in their lives. Not dip-n-go
runaway! As unhappy sick-n-tired of being broke, daily! American&Overseas material girls. Would become their
own adult pleasure. Wide-eyed of no small measure. Castle bedrooms bank book teacher. Teaching them special lessons.
With King Kong size love-n-respect, first! Without strings treatment like his own naked legal wives, daily! Without
saying a single word. If, they yes I do! Promise to never tell it to the grave. Will be their own secret garden. Reasons
1 hour before the end. Of their everyday jobs work shifts. Shamelessly! To slip away on purpose. To pull down taking-off
their expensive panties for us. Lustfully! Even when they be asleep. Being the secret no tell. Reasons for all their
wet dreams. Bed soaked sheets including all. Sudden body jerks at work, too! To the depth of their sexual souls. Secretly!
What be between us is locked within their own minds. Hearts protected being safer than a bank vault, daily! Without
a hint/whisper of shame or guilt! For being unwilling to wait! An unknown amount of more years. For prince charming
and friends. To come in their lives to help them. As the lucky ones team players. To end their financial struggles,
daily! Making ends meet while being alone in their lives. To get ahead to stay in life. Only seen within their dreams. Sexually!
New beginnings&man in their lives. Of no small measure. Yes, I do ready, first! Adult pleasure castle bedrooms bank
books teacher. Receiving not taking by any force. Secret gardens ownership of every single drop! They free will surrendered
like a river. Of their lava hot like liquid gold. Nature born sugar sweet-n-thick pleasure muffin honey. Was still
hot-n-drippin' when it. Was time for lucky me. To leave their bed soaked sheets by us. To faster than a fighter jet!
Leaving vapor trails high in the sky. To return to respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Shamelessly! With a no slip never let it go grip! When I reached sexual souls. Milky way 3 inch depth. Of secret garden
womanhood no man's land. Woke up the sleeping naughty girls. Goddesses within the good girls. Sexually! With hot bun
in the oven. Flames of secret desire fire! To deliver for us. Our baby steps game plan creation. In a naked hurry!
My amazing female sexual genies. Became for lucky me. Of OMG huge surprise tree. My own live wire in their beds! Heart
pounding sex machine queens. My own locked wide-open to stay fly girls. First&only Ones, forever! Got virgin cherry
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1 day per year. When it is a fact. The free will love of a nature born woman. As a respected Mother&Lover is 24/7!
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How and why $4000.00, $10,000.00 even $20,000.00! Sooner or later can become a monthly habit! Not my opinion based on
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The sizes nor the amounts!
Seeing is believing and feeling it, first! Not an illusion, mirage or fantasy between us. Inside/outside of their castles
round our world. No matter their occupations. Without hesitations even on their respected everyday. Jobs how they
look-n-feel, daily! About themselves as nature born. Women does matter to humble me. Their own first&only one, forever!
Who gave them sexual soul deep! Secret garden reasons to make their beds. Shake like a mild earthquake! Lustfully
In a naked hurry to deliver for us. Our on purpose baby steps game plan creation. Like live wire heart pounding sex
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Uncaged! Eyes which did shine and sparkle like diamonds!
The outside being only a shadow of the inside. Sexually! On the inside of my amazing sexual genies.Like female werewolves
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Faster than a fighter. Jet can fly in the sky! Like nature magic away I went my erection. Became my sexual compass.
Of the exact castle beds direction. Of just like me. Female adult pleasure mates. Naked! Wildly! Howling and growling
virgin. Cherry popped twice good enough for life. Within our money for us relationship online marriage. AS IS seen
naked within the reflections. Of their own full-length mirrors, daily! Hot banging bodies or not. On an online dating/jobs
website or not! Truly! I knew the heads-to-toes complete package truth. Of my amazing female sexual genies. Based
on the facts. Of their respected own known. Unknown family history tree lucky me. Received some of best secret garden.
M-e-o-www Kitty on our Planet Earth, why? Modern day nature born women. Are female human beings descendants. Of their
respected female human beings women ancestors.
No matter the nature born sizes of their breasts! Each of my amazing 3 circles/both hands tight. Sexual genies were
receiving their kind. Of special delivery lessons. Delivered by their own of no. Small measure adult pleasure. Castle
bedrooms bank books teacher, daddy! Queen's serving sexual souls deep! The soon to be respected Mothers. Of our own
desired without hesitation. Baby steps game plan creation. Without birth control pills or condoms in our way, why? From
the beginning all or nothing the complete package! Not a secret or mystery for us. Anything less can only be a minds.
Hearts game to receive loads of physical sex. Delivery of a potential players. Game relationship trap fate! With an
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on their soft fingers, first! With love-n-respect, first! Good enough as legal wives. Proof! For their eyes to see of
reality, daily! Not an illusion or mirage seen only in their dreams. Even after enduring hours of labor room pain and
agony! Nothing less than super women, alone! Who carried for approx. 9 months. For some only in dreams. Able to see with
their own eyes! New beginnings&lives. With last names on documented respected legal marriage licenses. Including
respected legal birth certificates, too! For many respected Daughters&Sons it matters to them, why? Minds&hearts
believing and feeling it, first! Not of their own respected control. Creation of respected birth. Was on purpose not
an oops, accident or mistake! In dire need of a crystal ball. For help to solve the mystery. Of their own respected
individual identity. Like 2 sides of a coin. Even if the love story for whatever reasons. Had an unhappy ending. Always
2 sides of the story. Ever heard the song, Mother? By John Lennon/ Plastic Ono Band?
Blame it on me of OMG huge surprise tree! For a specific window of time in their lives. Why their phones ring tones.
Was set to answer emergency calls only. Blame it on me. Why they did not care who. Was knocking on their windows
or doors. Sexually! Sparks become burning flames! Shamelessly! They did not care! Even if they had to crawl. On their
hands and knees. To bring it all complete package. Back to lucky me waiting naked in their beds. To take a catnap,
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a male werewolf in sexual heat! Not an illusion, mirage or mystery. I be he the known. Not unknown daddy of our on purpose. Baby
steps game plan creation as the proud parents. Within their own castle bedrooms made me feel like a king. When my amazing
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naked within the reflections. Of their own full-length mirrors, daily! Born to become virgin cherry popped twice! No
can touch it! Legal get paid money. Making naked in multiple ways. Secret wives and unseen queens. Of the castle
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The outside is only a shadow. Of the complete package! Of the inside round our world. Of female human beings women.
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our lives. Soaring to heights mighty Eagles dare not go! To make some of thy dreams and goals reality! More than
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Legal get paid money. Making naked goddesses of seduction. Business women of reality. Fantasy secret girlfriends of
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red book diary secret way. On the navigational bar. At the top of any page. Mouse click on TGL-Models for us. 1.Using
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Be they of animation doing it! Animated actions and motions or not. Safe-n-naked are symbolic to us. Coming together
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No can touch it business. Women of reality&fantasy no can kiss it! Wet dreams makers/booty shakers! Legally! Who
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money/make money. Naked on the Internet to increase the amounts. Of the savings/checking accounts. Growing bigger
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on Planet Earth! To survive and get ahead. To stay in their lives, daily! Not even lucky, lucky, lucky me! Female
expert players of the seduction game. Without saying a word minds on their money. Thinking about their own down the
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When reaching respected early/full retirement. Ages having more than a hope chest full of dreams. Prefer to create/finance
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Adult pleasure castle bedrooms. Bank books teacher with OMG special delivery. King Kong size love-n-respect! For each
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In their lives without fear. Of the unknown behind their own closed/locked doors daily, why? 12.7 millions of peoples
per year. In the respected U.S.A.! Are physically abused, raped and or stalked by their face. To face loved&trusted
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Discover&see with thy own eyes! On the secret wives page. How and why $4000.00,$10,000.00 even $20,000.00! Is possible
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To select and get to know upfront! The character of the lucky ones! Who have not a clue! Where each of thee grocery
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Safe&naked right before thy eyes! From the beginning with female pride. Not a minds&hearts lie. For nature born female
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every day! When we know the truth. As a respected Mother&Lover. Free will delivery of love at no charge endlessly! Is
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Nature born female TGL-Models, worldwide. Are the only boss ladies. Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Online married fly girls. First&only Ones, forever! Of the boss of Ten Great Lines. Their own first&only one,
forever! Lucky one of OMG big surprise tree! Queen's served special delivery. Deeply! Beneath their waiting to receive. Locked
wide-open lava hot! Drippin' wet-n-juicy tight! Umbrellas all night long twice. Good enough for life. Without walking
out their castle bedrooms doors delivered! Daddy&Mother love together as one. Before I was allowed to leave faster.
Than a fighter jet can fly. In the sky to return. To respected Ceres, California U.S.A. Roy Fennell-02/15/2018-1:33p.m. The
beginning of our never ending financial honeymoon! As female human beings women, first! Secretly! Without saying a word
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Unseen/seen AS IS naked within either of our castle. Beds all night long or not! Of minds&hearts each of thee. Are
just like me! Seeing is believing&feeling it, too! About us in multiple ways: 1.Not satisfied living paycheck to
paycheck lives 2.Action speaks louder than words upfront, first! 3.Money Talks and counts within saving/checking accounts 4.Top
to bottom of the Woman-2 page for us 5.How&why from the beginning towards thy own respected retirement. Ages with
treatment like legal wives, now! Impossible! Between us to ever be a minds&hearts lie. Within any kind of relationship.
Face-to-face or not! The character is the true face. Of a woman or a man! Our Book of Love is live like a heart beat.
Together as one no matter distance of miles. Sooner or later. What goes around comes around. Even for female survivors.
Of all their past relationships, combined. Not an oops, accident or mistake. Of our own Internet karma fate. Beginning
on the home page. An underlined text link paragraph. To the TGL-Models page on purpose. Including every single page.
Of the Shop-1 to Shop-20 pages, too! For each of thee not humble me! Not our faults at once. We are unable to turn back.
The hands of the clock of time. Legally! Already married living within either of our castles, daily! Making plans for our
own mutual financial happiness/security futures. Possible! By Internet financially engaged&online married! Safely!
Secretly! Quickly! Unstoppable! Untamable!
Discover&see with thy own eyes about us. The 2 poems on the secret garden page. The other on the dating
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Enjoying the experience being the ones,daily. Female authors of their own live. Red book diary love stories. Online
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it! Goddesses of seduction. DiVa&Daddy's Gurls. Business women of reality&fantasy. Of their own adult pleasure.
No small measure castle bedrooms. Bank books teacher with King. Kong OMG size special delivery. Love-n-respect,
first! As nature born women with pride, worldwide. From the beginning good enough for life. For lucky me of huge
tree. Time to pull down for us. Taking-off thy expensive panties! To take a wide-open naked. Hot-n-juicy look top.
To bottom of the DiVa women page. As soon to be like nature magic, Yes! I do born ready! To become free will only. Unstoppable!
Expecting respected Mothers. Of our mutual on purpose. Baby steps game plan. For our mutual financial happiness. Long-term
for years security futures. Without walking out thy castles doors. Untamable! Unconditional! Round our world! AS
IS no matter! Thy nature born breast sizes! Whole wedding cake&icing all. Or nothing from heads.
To toes nothing less complete packages!
Legally! If,already married at once right, now! Living within each of thy castles. Round our world it would be a habit.
For each of thee, daily! While I be naked on my knees. At the foot of our bed. As thy legal husband. Being the one with special
delivery. Adult pleasure manhood favorite. OMG size purchased by me without jealousy. Toy of joy until weak in thy knees.
With legs feeling like rubber! Having to call thy Gurls at the club. To make arrangments to meet them some other time. Requiring
help from any wall. To prevent falling down.
Ever wonder like me? Why, super horny-n-wet, daily? Modern day women should enter? An under the same roof? Relationship
without upfront proof, first? The lucky one is a "69"? Equal opportunity team player? With dine at the "Y"?
1 hour talent? Delivery of secret garden Kitty? Queens of the castle special attention benefits, daily? When there
be 24 hours in a day possible? To deliver 1 hour? Of weak in the knees pleasure? Even without physical sex manhood penetration? As
can be discovered and seen on the women page. Could any of the above? Be the secret garden? Reasons millions of women
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entering a just us exclusive relationship? Unless of minds&hearts? Loved the lucky ones? First! Above all or any
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Within our live Book of Love! Ain't no oops, accident or mistake. The named web page titles. Goddesses of seduction. Naughty
girls&secret wives. Relationships&secret garden. Already created by thy own soon. To be online husband. From
the beginning is about us. Going in the direction. With loads of bank books affection. For soon to be yes! I do ready
online married. Born to be wild-n-free! DiVa women legal get paid naked Daddy's Gurls! Boss ladies in the driver's seat
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the $1,000,000.00. Legal financial game plan. Which can be discovered&seen between the Woman-1&Woman-4. Pages
in everything they come first not me all or nothing. Not too late to wait. For prince charming&friends. Absolutely&truly
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What dollars¢s counts for many women. More money flowing into their own savings. Checking accounts is the ticket
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Not of their control. Hen pecking their everyday jobs. Net paychecks without monetary OMG mercy!
For thy own happy hearts happiness, first! For female survivors of all. Their past relationships combined not a mystery.
Like the circle of life sooner or later. What goes around can come. Around when least expected for them. To love&believe
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experience unknown fears. Behind their closed/locked. Homes, apartments or college dorms doors, daily! While making
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delivery. King Kong size love-n-respect, first! Deeper than G-spot pops eruptions. Faster than a fighter jet can
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In addition to their own single. Everyday respected jobs paychecks. Free will only opportunity. To have 10 or more online. Income
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Is our red book diary secret way. By Internet how we can become. Financially engaged&online married. For thy
happy hearts happiness, first! Roy Fennell-02/10/2018-10:46a.m. To end waiting/standing at the altars. Of thy lives
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Ms/Mr. Right waited too late. To receive some of best! M-e-o-www hot juicy wet-n-tight! All night long secret gardens
Kitty on our Planet Earth. Of sexual cybersex fantasy. With growing bigger in size. Swelling up bank books reality like
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Unique special opportunity for the respected Moms. To provide a college/nestegg head. Start in life for their precious children.
Do I really mean it? Absolutely&truly I do! Please mouse click-here. Or anywhere on this underlined text paragraph for us.
Roy Fennell-01/30/2018-6:01p.m.
Without walking out thy castle doors. Safely! Secretly! Quickly! By Internet financially engaged&online married. Webcam&phone
sex employment. Round our world our red book diary secret way. New beginnings&man in thy lives. Thy own adult
pleasure of no small measure OMG! Castle bedrooms bank book teacher. Like nature magic by Internet. Virgin cherry
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Internet brides&wives. AS IS Daddy's Gurls! Good enough fo' life! Take a wide-open naked! Look top-to-bottom. Of
the red book love page. In the present day. Being our own mutual Internet karma. Fate destiny to secret gardens mate.
To become the naked female authors. Of thy own live. Heart beating love stories. Documented page-by-page. Chapter-by-chapter,
daily! Within thy own secret red book diaries! No longer hoping, waiting or chasing to capture. The Elusive Butterfly
of Love! Which cannot be seen only felt within, first! Has not a human face. Due to the facts of life. Sex is not
love&love itself is not sex. They are different as daytime. Is to night-time. Beds soaking sheets naked wet dreams.
Coming true for legal get paid twice secret Wives&Queens. Adult female human beings women. Grown up who use to
be respected little girl princesses. Who by Internet got financially&online married! Becoming our every day! Valentine's
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sex schedules live! Roy Fennell-02/07/2018-12:08p.m. Daddy&Mother love like nature magic creation. With rhythm
without birth control pills. Together as one without expensive panties! Queens served and delivered without condoms. In
their own castle bedrooms round our world. Not in our way. Unstoppable! Unconditional! Untamable! Like wild animals
in the jungle. Made their beds shake like a mild earthquake. Creating 3 wash loads of bed soaked sheets. This is
our live Book of Love story about us. With our kind of animalistic never ending lust!
Between us all of the above and more! Without a hint or whisper. Of any potential face-to-face. Physical/verbal abuse
fears/tears. Nor depth of souls. Minds&hearts pain. Behind thy closed/locked castle doors, daily! For modern day
women of today. Seeking a safe&naked! New beginnings and man. In their lives they can trust. For all of the above.
Reasons with minds, hearts and bank books! Benefits at once without strings. Lies or games having more. In their futures
than received within all. Of their past individual relationships, combined. Roy Fennell-02/07/2018-11:06a.m. Once
hired for webcam and phone sex employment, first! AS IS seen naked within the reflections. Of thy own full-length mirrors,
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begin our never ending. Financial honeymoon beginning new lives as legal. Get paid money making naked! Goddesses of
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lick it fantasy plastic money makers! International booty shakers to thy own seduced. Hooked for life respected webcam&phone
sex. Women&men secret admirers! Sooner or later on the relationships page. Or another page a website link. Which
reveals the terrible truth. 12.7 millions of peoples per year. In the respected U.S.A. are physically abused! Raped
and or stalked by their face-to-face. Loved&trusted partners. The 12.7 million only reveals documented cases. The
unseen character is the true face of a woman/man. The outside only a shadow. Of the inside of the person.
Each of thee can discover&see! Between the Woman-1 and Woman-4 pages. How to give yourselves wings. To round our world
fly. Becoming thy own Travel Agents! Able to book complete travel packages. Best example opportunity to book round-trip
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too! Between the above pages. Discover&see the legal. $1,000,000.00 financial game plan benefits. Of having thy
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Going in the direction. As independent self-employed female adult entertainers. Of the multi-million dollars per year.
Webcam&phone sex employment. Global no physical sex contact required Industries. Treatment like money making partners!
Benefits side by side like legal wives. Not a minds&hearts lie. When on the power page. 2 underlined text link paragraphs.
To respected female/male lawyers to protect you&money! With legal contracts not phone call conversation promises.
International moms Internet brides&wives. From the beginning female bosses. Of their own not ours. Webcam and phone
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One baby step at a time. Towards their own respected retirement ages. Along the journey with benefits. Of an offline/online
shopping naked! Sexual freedom paradise with opportunity. While still alive above ground. To experience new lives as online
married. Diva women no can touch it! Goddesses of seduction nature born. Business women of fantasy. Bank books reality
with luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures. Without any physical sex contact. Collecting loads of electronic. Credit
cards plastic money. From their own hooked/seduced fo' life. Respected webcam/phone sex. Secret admirer's without surrendering
a single drop. Of their like gold secret gardens. Like lava hot liquid gold never can kiss it! No! No! No! No! Never
can lick it pleasure muffin honey! Being the live heart beating secret. No tell girlfriends reasons like a habit. The
credit card plastic money is spent on them. Roy Fennell-02/04/2018-12:50p.m. Online married Daddy's Gurls. Round our
world. International manhood teasers&secret garden pleasers. Using their own nature born. Powerful sexual urges free
gift, daily! As an occupation&career to survive. Get ahead to stay while creating better lives benefits. Of not
being within any kind of committed relationships. More and all profits for themselves. Queens of their own castles.
Who live and are alone, daily! Depending on themselves to cover their naked backs, 24/7! Not taking a chance on a lucky
one. To do them right, first! Based on the facts and experiences unknown to me. Of all their face-to-face past relationships,
combined! Is it a lie or the undisputed truth. Some fell hard in love, first! When needed the most in their lives. Became
respected pregnant and alone, too! To the best of my humble knowledge. Not qualified as respected Super Moms. Being
seen on boxes of cereal. Female human beings women Heroes! Round the world in the eyes. Minds&hearts of respected
little girl princesses.
Of minds&hearts. From the beginning we believe&feel. A relationship is a 2-way street therefore questions: 1.
Why should a woman? Take a chance with her assets? 2.To enter an under the same roof relationship? 3.Without a respected
engagement&wedding ring? Or her finger first? 4.If, having no upfront legal proof? 5.Not of her control? Either
job loss fears? 6.Pink slips tears becomes reality? 7.The lucky one will have her bank book back? 8.Taking care of
her bills? Monthly car payment and insurance, too? 9.While looking for another job/work? 10.Without any luck unless
the possibility? Of having to work? 3 part-time jobs at once? To receive a single 40 hours work week? Roy Fennell-02/06/2018-8:32a.m.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage. Reality not assuming/hoping being team players. From the beginning
having each other's backs. Being the wind beneath each other's wings. Without strings under the same heavenly roof. Of
the skies, stars, moon and sun above. Without walking out either of our castle doors. Zero clinging vine, tick or stray
cat relationships. Holding us back or keeping us down on the ground. Unable to dare flying higher! Than Mighty Eagles
soar! 1.Still free will able to date anyone at will 2.Without questions can stop camming&phone sexing at will 3.Legally!
Impossible for me to divorce either of them, why? The respected webcam&phone sex employers. Are the only ones with
the power to hire not me! Zero divorce/heart-broken. Breakup minds&hearts pain. Banging bodies or not. Favortism
not possible at all! Impossible! Of minds&hearts sooner or later to ever. Believe and feel in silence. Treatment
with everyday jobs paychecks. Becoming female human beings income lollipops! Heart beating live providers of loads. Of
physical sex being in the mood or not delivery. After making a minds&hearts mistake. Entering an under the same
roof. Relationship only to discover. Behind closed/locked doors. Might is Right! Wrong or Right within a relationship
prison. Too late to run/escape or free will date anyone else. For some not a home of love. Instead a house of terror.
Not a lie the unseen character. Is and shall always be the true. Face of female&male human beings. Round our
world the outside. Only a shadow of the inside. Roy Fennell-02/06/2018-9:16a.m.
From the beginning without false promises! Lies, games or strings based on the power. Of unseen minds&hearts. True
love itself. First, within our money for us relationship online marriage. Begins on the inside, first! Then the outside
becoming the complete package. Whole wedding cake&icing all or nothing. At once not the icing. Between their naked thighs,
first! Only then loads of more&more! With zero concerns of their minds&hearts. Little or no interest as women.
Female human beings, first! Their own dreams&goals in their lives. Roy Fennell-02/14/2018-4:29p.m. Soon to be
expecting already! Got virgin cherry popped twice. Daddy's Gurls female TGL-Models. Round our world may experience powerful
orgasm. Eruptions when on the TGL-Models. Page a website link opportunity. For professional cleaning services of their
castles. Limited to Nationwide within the respected U.S.A.! Only the best I could do!
Opportunity for real on me! On the public page. Round our world Internet TV! Seeing and watching International. News,
music videos and more, free! Not a lie on me! Due to the fact. I pay the cost for Tengreatlines.com. To be online 24/7!
365 days a year and Ten Great Lines, too! Roy Fennell-02/06/2018-2:50p.m. (*_*) For real I'm the boss, owner and webmaster,
too! Doing the best I can looking out. For my Global Ten Great Lines Family without charge or pay! Actions speaks
louder than words&Money Talks. Not a minds&hearts lie. I do care if either of thee. Lives! Starves! or Dies.
Hopefully, not on my watch!
Legally! If already living within thy own castles. Round our world with our own secret code word, first! It would be
me! As thy own legal husband. Naked on my knees to please. With both of my big strong. Hands delivery of thy own favorite.
OMG size adult pleasure. Manhood toy of joy for each of thee. To count and shout out loud! Every time all intimacy!
Sharing of physical orgasm ocean eruptions being my lotion secret. Garden reasons to make another call! To thy Gurls
waiting at the club. To please make arrangements. To meet them another time, maybe!
For how can a man? Even begin to love? A woman without understanding her? Sexually! As a female human being, first? Highly
qualified and capable? Based on her own free will? Desire of animalistic lust? She can trust being a sexual genie? In
the bedroom a different woman? Of mystery based on wearing adult costumes? Like a habit, daily?
Not a secret between us! Each of thee are just like me! Safely! Prefer the actions and motions. Of exploring and doing
it live! Not watching it on a strip club stage. Nor watching others not paying our bills. On any adult film DVD movie.
Not providing food on our kitchen table. Bottom-line camming&phone sexing is live. Without physical sex contact
collecting plastic money! Bringing it in to bank. Books not paying out. Of bank books is the difference. Without walking
out thy castle doors! Round our world as female players. Of the no touch it seduction game, itself! Roy Fennell-02/15/2018-4:55p.m. It
takes more powerful seduction magic to seduce live!
Blame it on humble me. With King Kong wide-eyed! OMG naked thighs clappin' like hands. During a standing ovation live
stage presentation. I confess having huge size. Love-n-respect for each of thee. As nature born women round our world.
Each of my soon to be for us. Expecting female TGL-Models. Will be too busy doing me. Accepting emergency phone calls
only. Will not care who be knocking on their windows or castle doors all night. Shamelessly! Nonstop! Coming like a
river! Becoming my 3 circles/both hands tight delights! Roy Fennell-02/03/2018-6:01p.m. Lucky me based on the facts.
Of their own known. Unknown respected family history tree. I received some of the best! Lava hot juicy secret gardens. M-e-o-www
tight delivery Kitty on our Planet Earth! While I held it. With both of my big strong hands. With rhythm and powerful
hips actions and motions. Like a rubber ball! Bounced&bruised my naked back! Against each of their own castle bedroom
Camming&phone sexing benefits at once! When using their favorite OMG size. Adult pleasure toys of no go down joys. Legally!
Can get paid wide-open naked twice!
As online married good enough for life. Safe&naked naughty girls&secret wives. Queens absolute when their webcam/phone sex
schedules. Become online live they can moon walk! Dance away/avoid any potential! Relationship drama behind their
own closed/locked doors, daily! On the dating&roads pages. Quickly! Upgrade their dating on their everyday. Jobs
days-off to benefits. Of expensive dinner dates. With businessmen/women in public. Places only as upfront. NSA available
on their terms only. Roy Fennell-02/05/2018-7:55p.m. May hit the jack pot! Face-to-face on a dinner. Date with a
certified respected Millionaire seeking love, too! Or possible Sugar daddy! With dine at "Y" talent! Seeking
his own Loyal Sugar baby! Limo delivery long time flowing delights! Unavailable to accept any smartphone. Calls unless
an emergency only ring tone!
To make&keep their secret gardens buried treasure. Pleasure muffins snap finger tight! With a no slip not let go.
Whip it good powerful grip! Super eveready for a potential respected legal marriage. Unknown future honeymoon night! Throne
training&riding delights for lucky ones! Roy Fennell-02/04/2018-8:19p.m. Be thy secret sexual manhood fantasy. 10,
11 or 12 inches or more! No force/no pain. Without any pressure in control of depth. Enjoying until weak in thy knees
complete. Sexual stress tension relief satisfaction, daily! Thy favorite toy of joy! Always loyal, faithful&free!
10 big benefits as legal get paid naked! Female adult entertainers actresses. Role playing no can touch it! Goddesses
of seduction. Business women of reality and fantasy. International manhood teasers! Sugar sweet secret garden pleasers: 1.To
look&feel thy best, daily! 2.Feeling sexually desired! Receive loads of attention 3.Experience powerful/multiple
physical orgasms Sexual tension stress relief. When using thy OMG favorite. Just right size manhood toys of joy 4.Creation
of a 2nd and 3rd income! To add to the income. Of thy respected everyday jobs income paychecks. 5.Once camming&phone
sexing earned income. Becomes equal or greater! Than thy everyday net paychecks 6. Peace of mind elimination. Of what
if, stress jobs loss fears. What if, pink slips tears, daily! 7. Based on dollars¢s facts. Increase of the amounts. Within
thy savings and checking accounts 8.Based on dollars¢s bank statements. Grown/growing in size of thy bank books. 9.Opportunity
from respected birthday. To birthday becoming rich/wealthy Diva women. From the purchases of gold. Coins, vials and
loose diamond stones. 10.Opportunity to create/finance from the above. Thy own retirement fund. To have more than a
hope chest. Full of dreams waiting for each of thee. Once reaching thy own individual respected early. Full retirement
ages. Saving yourselves, now! From the potential silent sentence. Of having to keep working up to and beyond. Thy
own respected early retirement age. Roy Fennell-02/04/2018-10:59p.m.
Secretly! Daddy already knows each of my Daddy's girls taste!
Drippin' hot sugar sweet! Like the song Candy by Cameo. Lucky me of big "O" special delivery. OMG wide-eyed
huge tree! Ladies in the streets. Amazing sexual genies between their beds sheets. All night long twice! Safe&naked
no can touch it! Gurls born to be&stay wild. Like the song by Rick James. Super Freak with benefits. Legally
being paid naked! Without physical sex manhood penetration. Without risk of an STD! Or becoming pregnant without
respected engagement. Wedding rings on their fingers, first! Roy Fennell-02/04/2018-3:11p.m.
Live in the respected U.S.A. Like humble me?
What does all of the above? Mean to women of 21 years? Of age today right now? Who must work more? Than 40 years of
their lives? Just to have the opportunity? To retire early at respected 62 years of age? For themselves first not me?
Suppose each of them, today! Were laptops/desktops with webcams available. Yes, they do ready no play all the way as
boss ladies! What could be the potential benefits. Beginning with 25-30 hours per week? Over the exact same amount? Of
time in their lives? Minds, hearts and financial gain profits? Without walking out their castle doors? Their own first&only
one, forever! Secret gardens one of a kind unique, Daddy! Roy Fennell-02/05/2018-6:49p.m. Thinking of them&their
futures first not mine only. Within the school of life. Receiving a degree of financial. Bank books education without
strings, free! Seeds of savings/checking accounts website knowledge. Beginning with 25-30 hours per week. One baby step at
a time. Towards thy own individual respected retirement ages. Not a minds&hearts lie between us. Top-to-bottom take
a wide-open. Naked wide-eyed look on the Woman-2 page. To secret gardens mate. To begin our never ending financial honeymoon.
Are you a woman? Ever have bed soaked sheets? Steaming hot wet dreams? Of a diva woman? Luxury&gangnam lifestyle&future,
daily? Love to discover loads of multiple ways naked? To save money and make money? Without walking out the doors? Of
thy own homes? Apartments and college dorms? Round our world benefits? Of bank book financial joy for material girls?
Who are 25-30 hours? Per week able to create? Make and set their own webcam? Phone sex schedules being the boss ladies? In
the driver's seat control? Of the desired direction? Of thy own life&future? Towards thy own respected retirement
age? If, all of the above. Answers are yes I do true for you! No upfront fee to see everything. At Ten Great Lines,
free! For your complete package. Safety&privacy, first! All employment applications on purpose are online only.
Located near the bottom. Of the TGL-Models page. To come see about us&our future. Type into google search for us.
Tengreatlines.com. Roy Fennell-02/02/2018-1:08p.m.
Love to purchase and own property? On the moon above? With a deed being proof of ownership? Documented in thy own name(s)
not ours? At Ten Great Lines. Not a problem for us. See the policies page. Roy Fennell-02/02/2018-10:30a.m.
Not our faults round our world. Together as one we are unable. To turn back the hands of time. Legally! Already married
living within thy own castles, daily! Already married living within my own castle, daily! Right after work! Each of
thee on the roads. Bi-ways and highways coming to our home&lucky me! After 1 hour before the ending of thy work
shift. Slipped away to pull down. Taking-off on purpose. Thy expensive panties with animalistic lust for us! In
the present day. What cannot be done. To change our pasts has nothing to do. With our mutual financial happiness. Our
mutual financial security futures. Once financially engaged&online married. Our red book diary secret way. Within
our money for us relationship online marriage. Under the same heavenly roof. Of the skies, stars, moon and sun, above.
Based on the unseen power. Of minds&hearts true love, itself! Daddy&Mother love unique one of a kind creation. Without
walking out neither of our castle doors. Roy Fennell-02/02/2018-8:54a.m. Like nature magic! Wide-open naked virgin cherry. Popped
twice International moms Internet brides&wives. Respected Mothers of our baby steps plan creation. Legal get paid
money making naked secret Wives&Queens. Of thy own secret money making lover&online husband. Online married
Daddy's Gurls! Good enough fo' life. DiVa women with luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures. Spoiling&pampering yourselves
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Ten Great Lines.Welcome aboard.Your friendly captain.Of no small measure.Roy Fennell-03/12/2017-5:23p.m. Welcome home!
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Nothing like a nature born woman.
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Roy Fennell-08/14/2017-4:46p.m.
Each of my virgin cherry popped twice Queens! Goddesses of seduction! International
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Can produce like drippin' liquid gold! No cannot touch/taste it! Pleasure muffin honey! Pouring upon thy bed soaked
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engaged&online married! Our secret way,today! Take a look for thyselves! On the navagational bar above! Click TGL-Models
page! For a safe new beginnings&man in thy lives!
Within our physical castles! Each day our hearts beat! Unseen face-to-face,daily!
Together,as one unstoppable! No matter the distance of miles! We are always thinking about our money&us! Deep within our
minds&hearts! Thinking of our financial happiness/security futures! Like we mean it of minds&hearts! As though we
be respected! Legally,married living within different castles,worldwide! Roy Fennell-10/16/2016-6:p.m.
Safely,in secret! Time to pull them down! Take them off for us!
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fate! See how thy lives&futures! Can be going in a direction! For years with benefits at once! For thy minds&hearts,first!
Then savings/checking balances&bank books! See Woman,1,2,3,and 4 pages about us! Roy Fennell-11/05/2016-12:22p.m. My real
life role! Is to serve my Queens&Goddesses of seduction! Women of fantasy delights a secret special way!
Naked! Into them like rock hard cement! As their own adult pleasure/bank book
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Some of the millions! Unattached,wide-open and available for us women! Worldwide,who
are financially&sexually,daily!
Unhappy and unsatisfied for their happy hearts happines,first!
May discover they were born! To become International Ten Great Lines adventure
women! By Internet virgin brides&wives! Naughty girls&secret wives for life! Secretly,online married! To the boss
of Ten Great Lines! Roy Fennell-10/16/2016-6:30p.m.
Without hesitation based on printer-friendly documentation.
Why,is our money for us relationship online marriage? One of a kind,special and
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The minds,hearts and thy heavenly assets benefits,first.
1.Zero physical sex relationship drama possible between us.
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behavoir.Without what if fear.Once behind closed/locked castle doors,alone.
3.Zero need/requirement for me! To know exactly where you. Live,work,shop or
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As each of my International online married naughty girls&secret wives! For
years even life! One of a kind,special and unique to me! Their born to be secret.Money making lover&online husband! Roy
Time for them to discover and awaken! To their individual Goddess within womanhood identity.Nature born attract
a mate.Power of seduction women of fantasy ability.Safely,without manhood penetration/physical sex contact.How to use it for
their own bank.Book benefits first,not mine.To their financial advantage.As Goddesses of seduction.As present,modern and future
Queens! Using camming/phone sexing employment. Dual opportunities at once! Like their own personal/private bedroom ATM machine!
Unstoppable,free will hooked for life.On the excitations enjoyment benefits delight! Sexually,enslaving/using without
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pleasure manhood toy joystick! To deliver like Queens command.On demand when they want,need or desire it! Multiple physical
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after everyday jobs work! Bottom-line,like Queens on demand! Commands 24/7 365 days a year! Can get/recieve it! Quickly,sexual tension/stress relief release! Not waiting/looking for it! Why,should unattached wide-open
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Get ahead in life? When of printer-friendly documentation? Without hesitation know for a fact? Being wanted,needed and
desired,daily? Every day their hearts beat above ground? How it be between us? Heartbeating live wire naked or not? As being
from the beginning alive Valentines? Complete package and by Internet,safely? They can get connected? Financially engaged&online
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Their no tell it in castle bedrooms? Adult pleasure/bank book teacher? Do them money right man? Their own no upfront fee talent
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All the above without fear of a single domestic violence phone call! Between us nor without any physical sex expectations!
To surrender a single drop! Of like liquid gold pleasure muffin honey! Only unseen no tell it! Money love rings on thy fingers!
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to tell we cybersex? Naturally,did it like untamable? Wild animals within our secret meeting place and Internet
home? On purpose without birth control pills? Devices or condoms to lower the heat/flame? Of lustful secret desire fire?
Thinking about us with lava hot? Wet,wild-n-juicy lifetime of memories? To help heal/ease the pain? Of past negative
relationships some nightmares? Roy Fennell-12/03/2016-3:02p.m.
Time for unattached free willing available! International Internet ready
and able! Women to book their free safe.Round trip flights morning,noon or night.On Ten Great Lines Airlines! Quickly,wide-open
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Minds&hearts belief! Between respected adult female/male human beings! Nothing less than intent/desire for life!
As long as the relationship! Safely,can last she being the only One! As the absolute Queen of the castle! Equal partner,risks
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us relationship online marriage! Such potential issues only exists! Within the off-line/online pages! Of respected dictionaries!
There are no questions! Who?What?Why?Where?When?How,they spend their hard earned money! On themselves not me! My
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Roy Fennell-12/03/2016-7:19p.m.Real life bad boys&girls! Always on the prowl! Seeking a not enough attention! Once made
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married,now! Living within their castles,worldwide! Zero camming/phone sexing problem between us,why? They would have our
Under the same roof teamwork! With lucky just me in bed delights! Live Goddess
of seduction woman of fantasy,OMG!
Zero need/desire of any respected adult DVD movies! Reality not fantasy,daily!
All the company I would want,need and desire! Is her naked beginning right after work! With her favorite eye candy! Just for
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her? When I could be waiting naked? For my Queen at our castle door,daily? She for me,if she got home,first,daily? Time for
each of my unattached good girls! Whole bodies roasting with burning up! Bad/naughty women camming&phone sexing naked!
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If,mutually agreed,first! On purpose not oops,accident or mistake! With what we could afford,now! Lay-a-way paid engagement/wedding
rings! Be on thy fingers expecting our bundle of joy! As future parents approx. 9 months! In a frame over our headboard! Be
our celebrated respected marriage license! When least expected coming home safe for us! Each of you would discover feeling
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married! No matter the distance of miles! Together as one,unstoppable! Even living in different castles,worldwide! This is
the secret desire fire spark! Of the flames within our secret! Minds&hearts love affair,daily! Do I mean it? Absolutely&truly,I
Financially engaged&online married our secret way! |

For their new beginnings&man! In their lives within our money for us relationship online marriage! |
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age! (*_*) Thank-you! Roy Fennell-10/16/2016-7:26p.m. In some respected U.S. states!
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By Internet financially engaged&online married! |

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Like texting&driving a single mistake can be fatal! The same can be true within a face to face relationship,too!
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To navigate the Ten Great Lines' website pages! To complete your free"round trip" Internet flight! And
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What could turn on&make some sexy horny women,daily? In a heartbeat get crazy and go wild from excitement? Than the safe
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end dangerous pedal to the medal unpaid racing in traffic? Fear of not to be 1minute late on your 2nd or 3rd
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orgasms? Benefits are you willing to endure and take for us? Roy Fennell-12/31/2015-9:45a.m.
Globally,my forever loves,tattoo these true words! From my heart to each of your hearts,forever! Seen or unseen as natural
born women of hot heavenly delights! Each of you deserves to be treated like legal wives,now&later! For if,no other man
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the power of love with engagement&wedding rings on each of your fingers! Be free willing of your minds&hearts!
To wear money love rings on each of your fingers,for us! I do! Roy Fennell-12/31/2015-10:13a.m. For how could it be a mistake
of fate?Unselfishly,for me to create a money for us,relationship? Unless,as women you were already within my mind&heart?Truly,for
me to be the lucky unseen man in your lives,not in your faces? To end your financial struggles to make ends meet,alone?
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Internet brides&wives,shamelessly,daily? By Internet show&teach you multiple ways? Within our unseen online honeymoon
how to create? Make&have loads of financial orgasms flowing into your bank accounts,nonstop? Don't you deserve a
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wind beneath each others' wings? To in life soar beyond Eagle heights of flights? A Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle
Future waits for each of you! If,free willing to seize it for yourselves,first! And never let go of our money for us,relationship!
Secretly or not due to the fact! Globally,it is not possible at once! Together as one for us as though we be in each
of your Castle beds! Legally married&being naked lovers consumed by love&lust fire,daily! Like your unseen legal husband
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thighs honeymoon brides! Virgins or not to online jump on top&unseen ride hard our money for us,relationship! Like they
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If the business Ten Great Lines was a ship! I,Roy Fennell,would be in control at the helm! Of the Ten Great
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it,yet,see it not!Roy Fennell-04/01/2015-3:34p.m.
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From the safety,security and privacy!
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college dorms,worldwide.
With rising higher female pride.
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Roy Fennell-10/05/2017-4:22p.m.Shamelessly! Rapidly! Lucky me!
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By the look of animalistic lust! In their eyes with lava hot thighs.
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Sexual freedom paradise have only one life to live,daily!
The outside of a nature born woman,worldwide.
Is only a shadow taste of the inside.Like a fish
out of water.Each of my wide-open virgin cherry
popped twice.Juicy-n-tight female (TGL)-Models.
Worked me hard like live wire came alive!
Heartbeating sex machine Queens.Lucky me!
All night long I recieved the complete package.
The down below icing&whole wedding cake.
The good girls&naughty girls at once!
Made their beds shake like a mild earthquake.
Produced 3 washloads of bed soaked sheets.
Made me feel like a King! I'm still dancing lucky!
Lucky,lucky me! How they climbed-n-shook.
My special delivery big surprise tree!
Daddy love! 09/20/2017-12:05a.m.
Of our own mutual Internet.Karma/fate destiny opportunity.Absolutely&truly!To
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Pages to stomp like a roach! On the kitchen floor twice.End thy financial
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The daddy of our baby steps game plan.Of no small measure.Without a hint/whisper
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Fennell-09/19/2017-11:32p.m. Of sexual cybersex fantasy.Growing bigger in size bank books reality.Naked time for us to
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Time is long overdue for NSA-FWB bank book.
Daddy,material and booty call girls!
With laptops,desktop with webcams.Round our world.
Not committted within any type of relationship.
To take a wide-open naked flight!
Towards spending&financial freedom power.
To bathe&shower themselves! Within the waters of the
finer things in life.Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures.
Butterfly love do as they please lives,daily!
For their happy hearts happiness,first!
Based on costumes role playing legal.Get paid naked for us!
No can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! Never can lick it!
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.
Camming&phone sexing hard money.Makin'/booty shakin'
wet dreams makers.Recieving as much as possible then more!
Financial joy electronic plastic card money.Zero physical sex contact.
Without surrendering a single drop! Of buried down below treasure.
Like liquid gold lava hot! Nature born female secret garden.
Pleasure muffin sugar sweet honey.Without walking out their castle doors.
Benefits of an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.
Within the school of life.The seduction game is of the highest degree!
Possible for nature born women,worldwide.Rising up with female pride.
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First&only Ones,forever! Of their own adult pleasure.
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Special delivery daddy of our baby! Steps game plan secret money.
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Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Being our own free wills to secret gardens mate.
Unable to runaway/escape. Our mutual Internet karma/fate destiny.
Roy Fennell-09/01/2017-5:46p.m.Beyond a shadow of doubt!
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From the deadly silent HIV virus! Roy Fennell-09/19/2017-8:03p.m.