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A Ten Great Lines Cybersite,10 Great Lines!

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Greetings to all! Warning to all if clicking on the gaming page. The respected named company does not! Have any agreement at all! With Ten Great Lines to re-direct. The Gaming-21 page to a sites for sale website. Bottom-line there is no affiliate. Partnership nor business relationship with their respected business. I became aware yesterday!
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Roy Fennell-08/10/2018-11:56a.m. In my opinion such an act! May be considered illegal by the respected peoples.
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In regards to warning above. It is a done deal! Email sent approx. 12:44p.m. Roy Fennell-08/10/2018-12:49p.m.

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No upfront fee to see everything.At Ten Great LInes,free!
Wide-eyed see what you&me! Can do together as one.
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Roy Fennell-11/02/2017-7:06p.m.

Welcome! To the products page.Of the non brick-n-mortar.Worldwide online business of Ten Great Lines.Internet location of our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked! Secret meeting place&Internet address home.Tengreatlines.com.No ticket required provided on me free! Unlimited round trip flights! 24/7 365 day a year! If,allowed by Mother Nature! Thank-you for flying with us.On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Before I forget I must confess! Some of the turbulence! Up here in the sky.While we be flying higher.Than Eagles dare to fly may not be the weather! If,it is an announcement! With fasten your seat belts lights notification! To stretch my legs! Keep the circulation flowing I'll see! Each of you sooner or later! Did you have the opportunity? To greet&meet my special delight? Who is a female vampire? Or her No1 girlfriend by name of Elvira,yet? Both of them are wild-n-crazy! About their expensive sexy hi-heel shoes! Do not be alarmed when from time! To time either of you hear! Some loud howling&growling noises! There is a friendly Twilight vampire family! Lurking around prowling with fever! Seeking to pick up the aroma! Scent of their special kind of animalistic mate! Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain.For you adult pleasure appetites! Roy Fennell-03/11/2017-9:58a.m.

Once online married,first! Of virtual reality who do you? See except yourselves of skintight! 3 circles of adult pleasure delights! Doing your online husband 24/7! Absolutely,without walking out either of our Castle doors! The true love minds&hearts facts! Within our money for us,relationship online marriage! Right before your eyes! In truth only Ten Great Lines adventure women,worldwide! Online married team player wives! Camming and or phone sexing are Internet! Non physical contact married to me! Of Ten Great Lines which means we have a skintight relationship! Not possible for another woman to come between us! Who do you see except your do? You Money Right man doing you! Like a naked legal wife within either of our Castles,24/7! With hot bun in the oven desire 365 days a year! Roy Fennell-05/28/2016-8:02p.m.

Illustration: In the nursery

International moms Internet brides&wives.
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Roy Fennell-11/06/2017-12:39p.m.Untamable!

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Shopping Cart and Credit Cards from AnimateIt.net

Falling Money
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A Ten Great Lines Airlines! Ten Great Lines!
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Taking-off,now,towards adventure,excitement,money,and travel!

Products Page- A Ten Great Lines Cybersite-Ten Great Lines

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A Ten Great Lines Adventure! Ten Great Lines!
Crazy punker face
A Ten Great Lines Airlines,thank-you,for flying Ten Great Lines!

  Please note, do not forget to click, each of our web page tab(s),to view the fabulous,eye-catching,merchandise which can be shipped directly,to your door! Many websites offer online shopping,why is Ten Great Lines Online Shopping&Vendors Network unique? The Ten Great Lines Shopping&Vendors Network,gives you,family and friends,the potential dual benefits opportunity! To save money,and make money,too,how? When you become an affiliate of a program (join or sign up),then promote,the program,for example on your favorite social network(s),when a sale(s),has been verified,by the specific vendor,you get paid!***8:36p.m.***09/29/2015*** Roy Fennell

Money Falling
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Are you a woman? Love to online shop? Searching for exciting products,merchandise and financial opportunities? Love to wide-eye see a $1,000,000.00 legal financial plan? Seeking a new beginnings&man? To be in your life not up in your face? For a safe online save money/make money relationship? At adult dating websites,worldwide? Seeking safe at home,apartment or college dorm? Part-time/full-time sexy jobs employment opportunities? With free professional training,too? If,all your answers are yes! Book your free round trip flight! On Ten Great Lines Airlines morning,noon or night! Fly to and come with me! No upfront fee&see everything free! Come visit at our Internet home! Discover and see with your own eyes! Benefits of becoming financially engaged&online married! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Can do for your mind,heart and bank book! Without walking out your door! Tengreatlines.com Roy Fennell-09/20/2016-10:39a.m.

Money Pot
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                           of Money from AnimateIt.net


Real life not fake.Laptops/desktops with webcams available!
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International women can become financially engaged&online married!
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Not yours,ours or mine! No upfront fee,free! The professional
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Roy Fennell-10/04/2017-10:50a.m.Opportunity of a long-term
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On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Within out money for us relationship online marriage.

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Female live wire heartbeating attraction magnets.
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Roy Fennell-11/02/2017-11:54a.m.Everyday private lives
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Expensive panties only worn outside of our castles,daily!
1 hour before the end of thy everyday jobs workshifts!
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For long-term for years! Joyful happy hearts happiness! New beginnings&man in thy life! Naturally! Time to come greet&meet me! On International Ten Great Lines Airlines.Morning,noon or horny nights! Safely! Together as one to pull them down.Take them off for us.Within our saving money.Making money secret meeting place&Internet home.Secretly! Like magic without a hint of pain only financial gain! To get connected sexual souls deep! Financially engaged&online married,first! To end thy financial struggles to make ends meet,alone! As born to become a naughty girl&secret wife. So we can create the heartbeat! Giving birth/new online live life! To our heartbeating baby steps game plan! Roy Fennell-02/27/2017-8:35p.m.


 We love our Ten Great Lines customers! In fact,under no circumstances,does Ten Great Lines,sell,barter,trade,rent,or share,any customer information!Digital products once purchased are downloaded to your computer! A one stop-n-online shop destination if you are searching the Internet for adventure,money,travel,excitement and more,now! Great Lines Adventure! Multiple unique URL's& searchable web pages))) Roy Fennell)))1:24p.m.***06/13/2015 |+(((


Red Beating Heart

                           Eagle from AnimateIt.net

Are you a woman? If you were an affiliate of 10 different programs,made a $10.00 profit per sale from each program, if purchased from 100,000 peoples,over the Internet,who only spent $10.00 apiece per person, the total amount  would be $1,000,000.00, of sales for you! Millionairess status,without walking out your door! Financial freedom! Financial ecstasy enjoying the good life,daily! Becoming an Independent woman,waking up to your alarm clock,instead of hitting the ground running to somebody elses' time clock!$Roy Fennell&^%$06/14/2014*&^7:27p.m. Ever heard the song Learning to Fly,by Pink Floyd? Ten Great Lines in principle,is about how to make our bank accounts fly high or soar like an eagle!  In principle,instead of our bank accounts being as hens in a barnyard unable to soar,why? Due to the economy and rising prices,there is always something hen pecking at your net pay,financially keeping you and your family from enjoying a more happier life! Do I actually care about you,family and friends,too? I do!  


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10 Ten Great Lines financial benefits of you&me and us making our money,together!


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                           Castle from AnimateIt.net


For each of your safety&privacy,first! All employment applications are online only! When camming&phone sexing for us. Upfront,love to discover&see,first? Benefits of Ten Great Lines? Online shopping 1-20 website pages? How each of you can reward? Spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously? Feeling&treating thyselves? As modern day Queens? Enjoying online gambling naked? On the gaming page,too? If,all of your answers are yes,I do! To see how could be the direction! Of thy lives&futures! With each of you being in the driver's seat control! Not me come see about us! Type into Yahoo! IXquick.Bing or google search,tengreatlines.com! Quickly,to come to our saving money.Making money secret meeting place&Internet home! Roy Fennell-02/26/2017-10:44a.m.

Falling Money
                           from AnimateIt.net

Are you a woman? Single,divorced,lonely or still looking? Arouse and excite yourself from making money,how?
1.Find a single product or merchandise that excites you!
2.Benefit yourself,first!
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4.Get aroused and excited when you see the rise and swelling of money flowing into your bank account,not mine!
5.Become excited when you are financially able to make your online purchase
6.Get delirious when digital product is downloaded to your computer or merchandise arrives at your door
7.Become aroused by the results of your own actions,no man required to make you a happy woman!
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9. Dive into the habit of making money to make yourself,feel good,daily! No man required to make you feel excitement within your life! Single,lonely,divorced or still looking for the one?
10.Set your feel good goal of 10 surveys,daily! Enjoy the benefits without walking out your door will make me a happy man! Motions from actions create OMG exciting results in many things in life! Without wildside pressure to let go of the past! Awaken from within thy sleeping nature! Given sexual desires of womanhood! For a new beginnings&man in your life! Without pressure see what is in it! For you first,in details on Woman-3 page! Then decide if meant to be for thee! To become a Goddess of seduction! In addition to Queen of your Castle! If,not you still be an unseen Queen of my Castle! No matter still free will choice! To be or not to be!  Roy Fennell$01/05/2016$3:41p.m. Under the same roof or not,you come first!

Knight on
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American&Overseas got online married. Daddy's gurls diva
women round our world. Like sexual nature magic between
us. Without ever saying a single word. Always wide-open
by them never lucky me. With a never slip away deep.
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create without hesitation make and set. Like cement
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break! Luxury&Gangnam lifestyle futures. Untouchable!
Safe-n-naked goddesses of seduction. World-class
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The sizes of their bank books. Like a King Kong OMG!
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financial honeymoon. Safe-n-naked secret new lives.
My every day live heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Roy Fennell-07/11/2018-7:32p.m.
International daddy super lucky and humble me.

New York City Skyline with $100 bills

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Globally,only Ten Great Lines women will use get paid surveys to their financial advantage,how&why?
1.Weekly,so they can benefit from professional chef prepared fresh food or quality meats shipped to their doors like clockwork!
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The Ten Great Lines Online Shopping&Vendors Network! Offers merchandise&products when purchased online which may be shipped to your door,worldwide! When women can make money to spend&online shop! Every day,at Ten Great Lines can become their online shopping adventure paradise! Globally,women can prowl and howl with excitement! When between the webpages they discover sales,deals,closeouts,fashion trends and more! Including save money/make money opportunities,online adult entertainment&gaming excitations,nonstop! Why,online shop anywhere else that does not offer treat you like Queens benefits? Without walking out your doors? Or leaving you broke&depressed without money? To shop til'you drop being happy to purchase more? Roy Fennell-02/26/2017-11:21a.m. Financially,tidal wave treat your bank account balance! Increase your net worth&bank credit score at once! With the Ten Great Lines Financial Network! Which includes the Ten Great Lines Webcam Models Network! The Ten Great Lines Business Opportunities Network! The Ten Great Lines Financial Employment Network! Ten Great Lines Airlines Merchants&Partners Network! The Ten Great Lines Online Adult dating&Romance Worldwide Network! Ten Great Lines Health&Wellness Network! The Ten Great Lines Airlines Travel&Vacation Adventure Network! Ten Great Lines Online Adult Gaming&Entertainment Network!

Catch That Wave from AnimateIt.net

Dolphin Divider
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Ever dream of a Gangnam Lifestyle,one day?
Always,hungry like a leopard with a nonstop appetite for the finer things in life of everything?

From the beginning of our money.For us relationship online marriage! Without an end between us! Begins with love and respect! For each of you as nature born women.Female human beings,first! Not physical sex objects instead complete package,24/7! Everything of Ten Great Lines! Is a (DIY) Do it yourself,your way! Not mine free will opportunity! Therefore,each of you not me! Are in the driver's seat control! Of thy lives&futures as female bosses! To see how could be the direction! Down the roads,bi-ways and highways! Of thy lives which includes opportunities! Free will to purchase gold coins! Vials and loose diamond stones! Benefits for creation of thy own respected early! Full respected SSA retirement fund! As potential rich/wealthy women! Discover&see the Models-6 page,now! Scroll down that page! Until each of you see.The specific information above gathering facts! From checking out the named pages! Roy Fennell-02/26/2017-5:58p.m.  

                           to the City at Night from AnimateIt.net

Are you a woman with a resume on any adult jobs websites? On paper willing to travel for work or relocate yourself? When you got a no strings man in your life and not in your face? Willing to share all his for the money,game plans,with you? How is it not possible to see a better financial future? Our you&me,money for us,relationship,is about encouragement! To help you reach for the stars in life! Helping you make sure your future is all good for yourself&precious child(s),in everything of your lives! Financial freedom based on your own free will actions means a do as you please future! Nobody holding you back or down! Not being submerged or trapped in a deadend going nowhere fast relationship! Not being anyones' financial meal ticket or taken for granted income lollipop! Let's think of OUR long term financial survival!Together, let's be the wind beneath each others' wings!So we can reach the sky and beyond the stars! For us,make it to enjoying a Gangnam Lifestyle,daily! For why should a hot&sexy woman be quietly unsatisfied in life? When she is always broke and struggling to make ends meet,alone? When she deserves to be bathed within a life of luxury every single day her heart beats! Roy Fennell-01/09/2016-2:22a.m. Have secret submissive woman fever? Or switch talents? Why seek or wait for a submissive job opportunity when without acting&for us you could be taking actions towards your own Gangnam Lifestyle Future? Butterfly Love? Financial Freedom Power? Safely,desire instructions,guidance and direction,now? Go to the women page to play in demo mode,good/bad online game! Got secret fire&desire for a secret girlfriend to play strip poker with you? Go to the sexy page! Broke? Beginning on home page seek get paid surveys to pay for all your adult fun while you create and build your worldwide Diva Woman Empire!

High Heels Out of Water from AnimateIt.net

Come quickly,wide-eyed&open minded into a you&me,money for us,relationship! Discover&learn multiple ways to swell up the size of your income online! Nonstop&round the clock! Hi-heels over your head excitement when you fall for the money in love! When using your natural born seductive power to make money gush&rush into your bank account(s) without anyone touching your body! Then as a woman you can feel,live and experience the financial power of a female goddess of enchanting seduction! Outstanding webcam shows are not free! Making that money without anyone physically benefiting from the pleasure of your body! Of getting it or lots of it,free,from you,without a ring on your finger! Why do you think some men seek adult film opportunity? To get it free from other mens' potential wives&girlfriends! Hoping&dreaming each woman becomes manhood sized hooked,for life,although being another mans'wife or girlfriend! Roy Fennell-05/27/2015-6:45a.m. Back at home or apartment,in a relationship,married or not dreaming of him,in her sleep! Even when wide awake she will be daydreaming about him,repeatedly! In adult films some women&men ain't acting they be for real,in a relationship, married or not!

Horizontal Divider 28

                           Castle from AnimateIt.net

Hey,girl! New man&relationship on paper in my life
Businesswoman in home office
Roy,is not in my face,business,pleasure or bank account! Love it,girlfriend!Love a sugar daddy,too!

Can you handle the truth? For a woman to have a man deep in her life! Not in her face,business,pleasure or bank account! Is a relationship made in heaven! This is what a money for us,relationship is all about,non physical! Think all physical relationships are full of love,joy and happiness? Shamefully,did you know,there are more sexual assault crimes committed against women in America,than in Afghanistan? Click the public page,then seek and find the facts! Ain't strangers! Roy Fennell&06/13/2015-1:42p.m. Some women cheat to escape to grasp for the moment,love,joy and happiness,even for a few hours,to heal their emotional pain in secret silence! Do I love them? I do!

Are you a woman? Single mom or not? Unemployed or public assistance? Work part-time or 2 part-time jobs to make ends meet? Live in an apartment or projects with rats larger than cats? Ever dream of living in a home? Actions within our money for us,relationship,can help you make your dream a reality and not just a fantasy! Take a look and see what action can do for you! Click-here!Roy Fennell-02/02/2015-8:52a.m.Work is work online or not! What you get out of doing the work is what counts in life!This could be a first,baby step towards a new beginnings Gangnam Lifestyle future for you! {*_+}

                           Cat High Five from AnimateIt.net

Are you a woman or a man? Got love for music videos? Is that ganga'I smell up in here making me laugh out loud? Come closer! At Ten Great Lines what seems impossible can become possible but not always perfect!It is a sure bet,you will enjoy many of these A-Z music videos and songs! Take a look&listen and have a party,alone or not! Click-here!(*_*)Have a wonderful life,too!{*_*}Roy Fennell-01/22/2015-10:29a.m.Please,do not text and drive!(+_*)

Are you a woman or a man? Hungry like wolves for a larger selection of music videos? Done deal for real for I am a happy man! When serving all of you,free my Ten Great Lines Global family! Do I mean it without any strings? I do! Click-here! Roy Fennell-06/16/2015-1:40p.m.Wishing each of you,family and friends a beautiful day&wonderful lives!

Mountain Steam from AnimateIt.net

Making money doing it with power of the Internet! Virtual reality not fantasy based on financial results of OMG sizing of your bank accounts! Multiple income streams equals money 24/7&365 days a year,nonstop! Even when you are asleep or breast feeding your precious child(s)! Safely,within your home,apartment or college dorm! Up until thy wedding days,zero lies,strings,false promises or games! Regardless,of distance between us! Our money for us,relationship,becomes skintight,unseen,Together,as ONE! Be it 10 or 1000 women worldwide! See upfront,how&why you get your money,first,not me! Beginning with today's date&time see a better relationship in your future? Roy Fennell-06/13/2015-1:07p.m. New beginnings&man in your precious lives,not in your faces,business,pleasure or bank accounts! Is to show you on paper with love,respect,care and informational helpful website links! Based on actions you can spoil&pamper yourselves,delirious,without walking out your door! Treat each of you like a virtual legal wife! Due to the reality of being under the same roof of the heavenly skies&stars above,with love! Use any&all making your money opportunities to cowgirl ride them! Make your money nonstop flow&gush into your bank accounts,profusely,in multiple ways! Sooner or later watch with wide-eyed excitement the King Kong size of your bank accounts! The next thing you will discover you will be living a Gangnam Lifestyle,daily! Having a job or not your financial futures become protected&safe! As the Ceo of Ten Great Lines&registered owner of Tengreatlines.com what you actually see is the exact opportunities which could be taken by my legal wife,why? If,her respected employer did not provide human being,HR,benefits! Such as health&retirement packages as an American man,I will! Do I mean it without strings? Absolutely&Truly,I do!  

Under the same roof or not! When a woman got a help her in life man willing to stay behind her! If she be wide open dreaming&steaming to feel like the first time only One! Not run away from her heavenly body like a rooster being chased by a fox! Multiple for the money gameplans in front of her,without strings! To feel excited from seeing her bank account,even slowly,becoming bigger in size! All she gotta' do for many financial orgasms! Is not be or remain motionless,instead get in rhythm for the money! Take any actions which can create a continuous flow of money into her bank account(s),repeatedly! For women of action a money for us,relationship,is a dream come true! It is the financial flight course or pathway to King Kong size their bank accounts and Gangnam Lifestyle,daily! Are you a woman who believes in fate or karma? Face-to-face,seen or unseen worldwide! Our website is a free will or not! Cowgirl up crossroads of life opportunity without strings! Daily,can you think of a greater product for your financial futures&lives? From the beginning seeing upfront round the clock,nonstop multiples ways to safely to get your money? Without surrendering or giving up a single drop? Of your heavenly natural good&sweet pleasure muffin honey? When not,face-to-face loved,respected or 24/7 desired by proof of wedding rings on your fingers! Benefit from the potential of what an Internet financial engagement! Within a money for us,relationship,can do for you,first,not me! Do you really care if others take no action for whatever reason(s)? Due to the fact this is every woman for herself! Nobody can take credit for your labor,steal the spotlight or be hitchhiking on your financial success! Roy Fennell-03/11/2016-4:52p.m. What would you do if one man entered your life without strings? Not in your face or on your phone trying to get at you! At no charge with multiple financial game plans to help you make all your dreams a reality not fantasy! Regardless,where you lived in the world,what will you do?    

Illustration: Be my valentine

Even if we be under the same physical roof,daily! Nothing would ever change between us! Making that money,as One,Together! As individual human beings seeking a do as we please way of life called financial independence freedom! Financial liberty with 24/7&nonstop sky bound fireworks of excitement and living a Gangnam Lifestyle,daily! 365 days a year for you and or respected family! How is this a negative future for us while you are safe&secure within the privacy of your own home,apartment or college dorm?

Our verbal spooning communication between mutual adult pleasure enjoyment would be about us,our money&our finanacial futures! Legally married or not! Roy Fennell-06/03/2015-11:13p.m. Your favorite hi-heels only would be under the kitchen chair near the exit-entrance door of our Castle! Even at work or out and about you could feel lava hot desired as a woman! Even a man magnet girlfriend once seeing your shoes may get the impression our relationship is skintight without room for her to come between us,why? No weakness for her to enter and take advantage just to break us up or cause conflict! It takes 2 to tangle and she would know coming to our Castle,anytime the Queen,ain't here,she would never be allowed to enter,why? She would have heard from you,it was my idea,therefore,banging body or not,would not matter! Within any relationship,the character of the man does matter poor or rich when it comes to trust,your heart,money and even pure  human desire lust! Daily, with eyes wide-open each  of my  valentine's dayTen Great Lines webcam girls! Can see,feel believe&understand within minds&hearts,without spoken words! They are respected&have true value to me as a man,friend&talent recruiter! I love each of mine like legal wives,regardless,of respected nationality,complextion or native tongue! Do I mean it without any strings? Absolutely&Truly,I do,under the roof of the heavenly skies and stars,above! Each day their heartbeats they are living&breathing valentines!  Please,I'm begging do not text and drive! More than any amount of money! Each of your lives are priceless to me!


Are you a good,bad or naughty girl? Living somewhere in the world? Are you hot with for the money fever? Burning up with desire for a Gangnam Lifestyle in your future? Have a LiveWire attitude for any&all the finer things in life? Of your own free wills&heated desires,got it in each of you? To willingly jump on top of what we can do for us? Opportunity ride,by taking actions making that money? In multiple ways round the clock explode into your bank accounts profusely nonstop? In or out action or not within this game! It is a sure bet when it comes to having a King Kong size bank account,it is every woman for herself! To make them feel good&do them right! Dollars&cents numbers in their bank accounts! This is the only way to Rock the Worlds of material&for the money girls,24/7,365days a year! When least expected,a no strings man with plans by Internet popped up in your life! With a money for us,relationship,with a long term financial future you could see,would you remain motionless,or be willing to take action,of your own free wills? Roy Fennell-05/28/2016-5:40p.m. Happy Valentine's Day,every day,you breathe&live and have heartbeats,without strings nor wedding rings,just because you are a woman or women in my life! Been looking for love and finding it in all the wrong places&reasons? Hungry in life for a new beginning&relationship going in the direction of a Gangnam Lifestyle,daily? Your decision actions or not  from the power of your own free wills,individually! 

Valentine's Day Sign from AnimateIt.net

Shhh,are you a good,bad or naughty girl? Living anywhere round our world? In secret on fire burning up? With submissive woman desire fever? Webcam girl&PSO sexy jobs employment,too? Hungry like a female wolf? In sexual heat for a new beginnings? And man in your life not face? Due to past/bad relationship?Experience which cause even today? Nonstop,mind&heart painful nightmare memories? Safely,without walking out your Castle door? Have and deeply get it,all! Without strings or cellphone calls pressure!  Become a co-pilot&Internet bride! Ten Great Lines adventure woman! Online married team player submissive wife! Unseen,together as one! Taking-off on a course! Towards a do as we please life,daily! Quickly,for us book your round trip flight,tonight! On Ten Great Lines Airlines! To come to our Internet home,Tengreatlines.com Roy Fennell-05/28/2016-7:17p.m.


Road to the
                           City from AnimateIt.net

Worldwide,what could like an oven bake&make sexy women,not submerged in a relationship or unmarried shamelessly,wild&crazy,jump&scream or shout?Except a man who without strings loves&desires them sharing multiple financial plans to OMG size their bank accounts! Round the clock for their future happiness&financial peace of mind! Ever wondered what you would do,if such a man when you least expected,decided of free will to use the power? Of the Internet information highway? And powerful search engines to reach out to you? Based on all you see,at Ten Great Lines,a woman or women do not get played,instead have multiple opportunities to get potentially paid,24/7 and 365 days a year! Roy{*_+}Fennell-05/28/2015-7:32p.m.


 Are you one of many horny sexy women worldwide,daily? Not within a committed relationship? A for the money woman&material girl,combined? Serious as a sudden heart attack? About your financial survival,daily? And your long term financial happiness/security future? Love to wide-eyed see with your own eyes? All the money and benefits,first? Of what becoming a legal get paid? Camming/phone sex money maker,booty shaker? Within our money for us,relationship online marriage? Could do for your future,life and bank book? Without walking out your Castle door? Book a free round trip flight! Absolutely,so we can get connected&online married right away! On Ten Great Lines Airlines! To come to our Internet home,today! Tengreatlines.com Roy Fennell-05/28/2016-6:08p.m.


Horizontal Divider 27

Are you a hot sexy woman or women living anywhere in the world? Or a female travel junkie with a spendthrift or shopaholic monkey on your back? Secretly,or not,always on fire from shop til' you drop fever? Due to secrets of your past,addicted to shopping to make yourself,feel good inside&outside of your heavenly sexy body? Understand&know for a fact,love escapes you,due to the fact,the adverage man's paycheck can never financially satisfy you? With all you got,put yourself on multiple adult jobs websites? All you are getting is calls for dates or make you feel unsafe scary opportunities? Based on facts,not mystery phone calls or fantasy!  Have for yourselves love,without strings,from a man in your lives,not up in your faces,business,pleasure or bank accounts! Who only desires to be the wind beneath your wings in life,just to make you happy! What would you do if such a man was searching and looking for each and all of you? Had lava hot fires&desires fueled by multiple for the money do you right in your bank accounts plans! Would you remain motionless or use the spendthrift&shopaholic monkey on your back,to your advantage,by taking actions towards a Gangnam Lifestyle future or surrender to unhappiness,daily? Roy Fennell-06/13/2015-1:38p.m. 

A Ten Great Lines Airlines! Ten Great Lines!
Airplane Taking Off
Taking-off,now,towards adventure,excitement,money,and travel!

Wolf from

Worldwide,even good,bad or naughty material girls! Hungers for love&understanding in their lives from a no strings man! In silence,financially starving&crying like wolves baying at the moon,in the darkness of the night! For they cannot help their endless burning fire of desires&ambitions for all the finer things of life,daily! When such women of different ages got for themselves! A show them all the money,daddy! Even unseen behind them with 24/7 and 365 days a year financial plans! Of their own individual motions of actions! All they gotta' do is get into the for the money rhythm take action position! Profusely,make money rush&gush into their bank account(s),nonstop round-the-clock! They can have it all! Respect,love,happiness,joy,financial security&freedom! Soul deeply within a money for us,relationship! Think you may faint or hearts skip beats? Would you be Thunderstruck,if when least expected,a man,with a sweep you off your feet plan,only had a money love ring&commitment from his heart to give you,without strings? Would you remain motionless or take action to seed&grow a new beginning towards a Gangnam Lifestyle future? Although round the world many,yet,as,ONE,like touched by the Sun,in heat for that money,together! Roy Fennell-01/30/2015-3:18p.m.Got the power to take action towards creating,building&promoting your own individual worldwide Empires?


Are you a woman? Does always being broke&financially struggling to make ends meet seem to make you feel locked up in life? Does living paycheck to paycheck seem like shackles preventing a do as you please lifestyle? Looking for a legal way out so you can soar&be free like an Eagle? Have you ever seen the music videos and heard the songs,Jailbreak&Moneytalks,by AC/DC live? Based on your actions our for the money,you&me,money for us,relationship,is how we can escape our financial prisons,together! Have it all from the financial Liberty of a Gangnam Lifestyle,daily! God bless America&God bless the rest of our world,too! Do I mean it? Absolutely&Truly,I do! Roy Fennell-01/22/2015-9:45a.m.

                           Flyby from AnimateIt.net

I Love U Two
                           Hearts Come Together from AnimateIt.net

Paw Tracks
                           Divider from AnimateIt.net

Globally,Ten Great Lines adventure women&I feel and believe the power! Of valentine's day love between us! Is to be celebrated every day in our lives! Not saved or reserved for a single day of the year! Under the same roof or not! We believe when there are no strings within a relationship! By the power of free will minds&hearts mutual love! Creates a true love foundation of our money for us! Relationship online marriage like a just poured concrete! Foundation of a new home on solid ground! Unseen together as one! From the beginning that can last for a lifetime! No matter be it nature weather/economical outside! Of our money for us relationship! Unlike a relationship with strings which opens the door! To lies which come like flies and multiply! Sooner or later,turns the foundation into a  sea of quicksand! Within the sexual souls of each Ten Great Lines  adventure woman,worldwide! Once they get a grip&seize for themselves! The financial benefits of our money for us,relationship! They will never let go/allow such a good thing to escape them! Wedding days in their futures or not! One way or the other it is my fate to stay their within minds&hearts man! To our graves! From the beginning between a man&woman isn't that the way it should be with love and a relationship? Roy Fennell-05/08/2016-8:48p.m. Are you a woman? Single mom or not? Lonely,bored,divorced and forgot about Mr.Right? If,not in your life,face-to-face no man on our Planet Earth? Wants,needs and desires you,daily? Under the heavenly roof of the skies&stars,above! I do! For if,not mind&heart true love? For each of you,first? There would be no reason? Globally,to present by Internet&powerful search engines? A non physical financial engagement Internet courtship! Within a money for us,relationship online marriage! Free will actions and motions equal opportunity! Queen red carpet treatment service with love! Individually,as if we be legal man&wife! Within their physical Castles every day! Between us love has no borders or distance of miles! It is a dollars&cents fact! Love cannot financially be purchased like a can of beans! Therefore,how can a woman? Believe within her precious mind? Feel within her precious heart,daily? True love is not real only a fairy tale fantasy? When Valentines' day is celebrated once a year? Not every single day she lives,walks and talks above ground? Truly,could this be the unkindled spark? Why,millions of women worldwide? Catch on fire from cheating woman red hot desire fever?  Within minds&hearts running naked like world-class track meet stars!Desperatedly,seeking the elusive butterfly of love? Going down the roads,bi-ways and highways of life? How is their fault,alone?

Paw Tracks
                           Divider from AnimateIt.net

Two Hearts
                           in Love from AnimateIt.net

                           Butterfly from AnimateIt.net

Are you a woman? Are you a long legs corporate Wall Street girl? Got powerful thighs which can squeeze every drop of juice? From a lemon naked with your hands in the air? Yes? You can I believe you,my darling! Thank-you,for my early Holloween sweet treat! My private wide-open peep up your skirt! I'll wait for you to undress! Slowly,except for those expensive hi-heel shoes! Love the opportunity to financially legs wrap&lock yourself? Into a team leader position? Of and International syndication of respected Investment Bankers,why? To spearhead a potential Travel-related unknown future project! In my opinion,the overall potential long term ROI! Could be in the King Kong of Trillions of dollars&cents! It could create millions of spiderweb jobs worldwide,too! Yes,it is possilbe to reach a Zillion dollars! Depends how your team plays the game! Ever dream of the opportunity of the 69 postion in zero gravity? Super gigantic construction&planning out of this world project! Thank-you,I love you,too! Take a look at the possibility of a mirrored reflection! Of a respected City of Las Vegas Gaming Casino! Adult gaming playground on the moon on the Travel page! Roy Fennell-09/20/2015-4:47p.m. Thanks,for the kiss,too!

                           of Clouds Smiley from AnimateIt.net

Horizontal Divider 28


Close Flying
                           Plane from AnimateIt.net

Not our faults we are unable to turn back the hands.
Of the clock of time! Legally! To be already married.
Living within thy castles right now,daily! Naked!
Making plans for our own mutual financial happiness.
Long-term for years security futures.Beyond living
from paycheck-to-paycheck! Only satisfied with just
to survive,daily! Having only one life to live happy,daily!
In an economy of snap finger.Quick everyday jobs.
Loss what if,fears with stress,daily! What if,what to do.
Pink slip tears,daily! When least expected not of our
control.Within the school of life the truth not fantasy.
Possible! New lives reality for each of thee! Legal
get paid naked twice.Camming&phone sexing hard.
Naughty girls&secret wives.Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of fantasy.DiVa women lives futures.
Virgin cherry popped twice.Good enough fo' life.
Nature born female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Of the boss of Ten Great Lines.Their own secret.
Money making lover&online husband,too!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Safe new beginnings&man in their lives not another a lie!
To get deep between their thighs! Without engagement
and wedding rings.On their fingers,first! To be the only Ones.
Not just a link of an unseen black.Book chain of other ones.
No matter the soul deep price.Cost of minds&hearts pain!
Roy Fennell-11/04/2017-4:42p.m.

Portrait of bride and groom

If,you promise to never tell it! Unseen,together as One! My Manhood unseen beneath your like gold! Secret garden umbrella belongs&stays for life! Remember your first,physical sex experience? As a first time experiece online marriage! Like a respected virgin HoneymoonNight! Once online hired,first! By respected webcam&phone sex employers! You&Me cherrypop our special! Kind of way and you become like a naked get paid wife,secretly! Coming like and Ocean&Sea for us! From years of camming&phone sexing bed soaked sheets! Safely! Within each of your castle bedrooms! Time to pull them down! Take them off for us! By secret red book diary way! Can get connected by Internet! Sexual souls deep financially engaged&online married! Quickly! To the boss of Ten Great Lines! Of no small measure.Without a hint of pain only financial bank books gain! Naked so we can create the heartbeat! Giving birth/new online live life! To our heartbeating baby steps game plan! Financially coming&making money! Together as one! No matter the distance of miles! To begin our neverending financial honeymoon! Like just got married bedroom lovers! Do I mean it? Absolutely&truly,I do! Roy Fennell-02/27/2017-6:19p.m.

                           Ladies from AnimateIt.net

Some super horny-n-wet safe sex&money women,worldwide! Unexpectedly,will Minds&Hearts&Sexual Souls,first! With drippin' like gold secret garden! Nature calling pleasure muffins! They were born to become online married,first! Ten Great Lines adventure women,worldwide! Internet brides&wives with a TrueLove,first! Purpose in their lives,daily! Making money flow and go! Deep into their bank book wells! Naked&producing camming&phone sexing money! Bed soaking sheets excitedly like on NightClubs! International dance floors towards FinancialFreedom! To escape unseen income chains of financial slavery for life!

Link Chain
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Big Pot of Gold from AnimateIt.net

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Super horny-n-wet,daily? With female pride,worldwide?
Not within any kind of committed relationship? Married or not?
Having laptops/desktops with webcams available? True or not?
Have a resume/profile? On an adult dating/jobs website? Are
you tired of being broke? Unhappy about the direction?
Of thy life&future,too? Concerns about your long-term?
Financial happiness/security future? Are either of you,yes?
I do ready naked? Able for us to create,make and set? Thy
own webcam&phone sex schedules? Not me each of thee?
Being in the driver's seat control? Our red book diary way?
By Internet financially engaged&online married? Within
our money for us relationship online marriage?
Online married,first? Female (TGL)-Models?
International brides&wives? All the way no play?
Going in the direction? Towards thy own respected early?
Full retirement ages along the journey?
Benefits of 4 opportunities right before thy eyes:
2.Rich/wealthy women from free will purchases.
Of gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones
3.Luxury&gangnam DiVa women lifestyle futures
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All the above&more! Without any physical sex contact.
From thy own special ones.Hooked&seduced fo'life.
Respected webcam&phone sex secret admirers.
Within the safety,security and privacy! Of the own
homes.Apartments or college dorms round our world.
Creation of thy own legal get paid naked occupation&career.
Camming&phone sexing hard to collect unlimited.
Amounts of plastic money.Into thy own savings/checking
accounts.Making bigger the sizes of thy bank books.
Wet dreams coming true benefits for female shopaholics.
Who love&live to offline/online shop til' they drop!
Financial freedom&spending power joyful delights.
Roy Fennell-11/01/2017-6:38p.m.

Whale Tail
                           Flip from AnimateIt.net

Illustration: Sealed with a kiss

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Portrait of bride and groom
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